Behind Closed Doors - Chapter Eight

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*Hey guys. Sorry this is such a short chapter. I barely have any time to write at the moment! I'm already an hour and a half late in starting my school work! I guess I set a deadline and didn't stick to it! Haha. See, proof that I love all my fans. All of you! :) Enjoy! xxx


I didn't do much for the rest of the day. Lounged around, talked to Tia for a while, read a book. The book about politics in fact. I was shocked with what I saw. He wasn't the heroic leader my parents made him out to be. No, he was.. He was a monster.  

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"He was admired throughout the world as one of the leaders of the emerging nations and as a model for a good transition from colonial leadership. But month by month, year by year, Mugabe became increasingly autocratic; his methods increasingly violent. In recent years he has unleashed a reign of terror and corruption in his country." 

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So, what were my parents playing at? Sugar coating everything, pretending that it was all okay. They weren't protecting us from gang crime. No, they were actually protecting us from him. But why? Obviously as soon as I could vote, I wouldn't give him my assurance that it would be his.. No way, it wouldn't be! Ever. But he didn't know that. They didn't know that. They didn't even know that I knew who he was! I would ignore it all though, for now. After all, we all sugar coated things every once in a while right? I mean, as far as my parents knew I was a normal, happy teenage girl that planned to live a happy life with a man I loved and would do anything for. Ha. I wonder what they would say if they knew I was a somewhat manipulative, wise self harmer who pretended everything was okay whilst around others, before retreating to my room to slit my skin until it bled like a river, and then afterwards sat there fantasizing about my next lesbian moment with the girl I was obsessed with. Would they still be proud parents then? Hmm. 

On the subject of lesbians, I had tried to block Merissa from my thoughts. Every time I saw her face, remembering how perfect it had been close to mine, I felt a flurry of mixed emotions - Lust, excitement, happiness... Pain, disappointment, anger, distress.. And because of what she had said, regret. Until she had said those two heart crushing words, I had enjoyed every second of our steamy little encounter. But now I was worried.. Worried about what I had let myself in for. Now I knew what I might be missing, there was no way I could stop having her now. I finally had her, even if it was just partially.. I still had her!  

So my regret was for having explored just exactly what I was missing.. She was to me what coffee was to my Papa. I would never function properly without her. The first thing I'd think about when I woke up each morning was her. I'd look forward to having the next "dose" as such with her, and when I did have her, I'd be thinking about the next time I'd have her. If I had just left it, left her to run off into the woods by herself, I wouldn't know anything. I could have turned my back and walked away. But I didn't. I knew... How soft her touch was. How luscious her lips were. How good she tasted. How breathless she made me at the tiniest bit of contact. I KNEW!

"So yeah, he wants me. And I want him. That's the basics of it" Tia said, interrupting my daydream mid way.

"What? Sorry.. What?!?" I asked again.

"I said, we want each other. So it's all good. It will work out."

"What will work out?"


"Who's us?"

"Cadmar and I" she retorted.

"Cadmar!?! Who the hell is he?"

"The hunky, Italian bodyguard that Papa hired" she grinned.

"Oh. You like him?"

"Yes! Haven't you been listening to a word I have said?"

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