Behind Closed Doors - Chapter Ten

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* Sorry about the wait AGAIN guys.. Its really hard.. And I'm so focused on Seduce Me! right now, its really hard to juggle both.. If you only read this, why not give Seduce Me! a try.. You never know, you might like it and then the wait wont be so long to endure! Aha. Anyway, also this is quite short.. SORRY AGAIN!

* Dedicated to MusikJunkie (aka, MINA! Orrrrrrr Bob.. Wait, is IS bob right!? And I AM Frank righttt?) Aha, anyway, loveeeeeeeeyouuuuuuuuu :)


I pace around my bedroom for a few minutes.. Well what I thought was a few minutes until I was interrupted by one of the staff members in the house, on duty.

"Miss Yeboah.. Your father says that you should.."

"Its Dionne! Don't call me that!!!"

"Oh.. I am ever so sorry Miss.. Dionne" she stuttered.

"No, I am. Sorry, that was really out of order. I just don't feel too good.. Err, what were you saying?"

"Your father says that he thinks its about time you came down now. The meal was supposed to start over twenty five minutes ago, but your sister refuses to start until you come down. Apparently the two hundred guests are growing increasingly hungry."

"Okay. Tell him I'll literally be, thirty seconds!"

She left my room hurriedly and I stood there panicking about what to do. Should I just go downstairs? I don't think I can.. Not with Merissa there.. And Kibwe.. But I had no choice. Of course I had to friggin go! I straightened my dress, well what was there, and scrunched my hair a little to give it some volume. This was going to be yet another interesting night.. For god sake. I hate my life.

"Finally, she's joined us!" my father shouts, and the two hundred strong crowd cheer with delight, making me blush tremendously - Not a good look for me.

"Yes.. Finally" a familiar voice hums into my ear, and I turn to see my brother.

"Kibwe! Oh my god! Your actually here!!!" I scream.

"No, I'm just a fixture of your imagination.." he jokes.

"Oh shut up you! I WAS glad to have you back, but now I'm having second thoughts.."

"I could say the same about you too!" he laughs, then pulls me tightly to his side for a hug.

"Dinner is served" a loud male voice announces, and the crowd cheer once again.

The dinner was is out and I drool over the endless assortments of food that are led out.. Yum! I was starving, so nothing would go to waste! I didn't bother to scan the room, or even the table of fifty that I am sitting on. Oh no, the food came first, and always would do.

"So Di, how's things been?" Kibwe asked intrigued, and I growled a little.

"Brilliant, as I'm sure fathers told you" I smile sarcastically towards my father.

"Of course" he chuckles back, detecting the hidden connotations behind my remark.

"Ahh well, at least you've had Merissa to keep you company" he says.

"What?" I spit, choking on the mouthful of roast pork in my mouth.

"Merissa, I'm sure she's great company for you teenage girls" he says, nodding ahead of him.

I look up to see Merissa sitting opposite me, grinningly widely. My eyes open just as widely and I look at her questioningly. What has she told my brother!? I look back to him and his face looks reasonably innocent, although I know how mischievous he can be..

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