Behind Closed Doors - Chapter Four

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    My eyes dart open as I hear the crushing of gravel, footsteps, then a car door slam shut. I look around to see that I’m on my bed, still dressed after having seen Merissa. Oh crap! I must have fallen asleep. I jump up and run to the window, my eyes focusing on two men who are being greeted by one of the bodyguards. From what I can see the one on the left is quite short, slightly fat with messy strands of greying hair. He’s dressed in a dark green suit with a red tie and brown shoes. His facial expression is literally glued on – It’s serious with a harsh frown on his face, deep wrinkles probably from all the frowning and his lips are tightly shut.  

     The man on the right is the complete opposite. He is incredibly handsome and he greets the bodyguard with a friendly handshake.  I watch as he leans over to the bodyguard, his lips move for a few seconds and they both laugh together. Clearly this guy has a sense of humour. Tia will love that! He is tall, well built, pale with blonde hair and he has a gleaming smile. His suit is black with silver lining and he’s wearing a stylish silk grey tie. His shoes are impressive and they look very expensive. He has English gentleman written all over him!

     Hang on, what is the time..? I turn to look at the clock on my wall and I’m stunned to see that it is almost 7pm! Oh my god! Why hadn't anyone woken me? I'm never going to be ready on time now. I swing my door open, charge down the hallway to my sister and find her curling her long, black hair

"Why didn't you wake me?" I shout.

"Wake you? I didn't even realise you were asleep."

"Oh whatever. I see you’re looking lovely, how long have you been getting yourself ready for? Five hours?" I add sarcastically.

"No. Three and a half actually, four if you count the shower" she blushes.

“Christ. What time are we expected to be downstairs entertaining?" I sigh.


"Eight! You have to be bloody kidding me Tia! There's no way I'm going to be ready by then! You'll have to either make them wait, or tell them that I'm going to be very, very late!" I snap.

"Fine" she mumbles as I walk out the door.

     I jump in the shower, wash my hair and once again dry myself with a towel. I blow dry my hair, straighten it and clip half of it up. I apply a thin layer of foundation, some blusher, a hint of mascara and I gloss my lips. What am I going to wear? Hmm, I rush over to my wardrobe and rumble through my evening gowns. I decide to wear a light yellow silk dress that drapes to the floor. Then I look at my shoe collection and pick a black pair of heels that are of medium height. I pull the dress on, tie the ribbons around my neck in a bow and slip on the shoes. I quickly brush my teeth, put on my pearl necklace then the bracelet and head for the door. I look at the clock and sigh. Nine o’clock. I’m definitely in trouble.

    I walk swiftly down the stairs and through the hallways, being watched like a hawk by the body guards. I finally reach the thick wooden doors to the large dining room and brush out the creases from my dress whilst the doors are opened for me. As I enter everyone turns and gasps. I panic and rush towards the waiter who’s pulling my chair out. Oh god, what’s the chances that I’ve got mascara smeared all over my cheek or something!?

"Nice of you to join us" Papa growls and I glare at him in return. 

    If we weren’t in company I would have given him a piece of my mind. But first impressions last, so I keep my mouth shut and instead apologise through gritted teeth. I sit down, making sure not to crease my dress and I look around at the new faces.

"Hello Miss Yeboah, I'm Daniel Smith" the plump guy says with a half smile.

"Nice to meet you Daniel. I'm Dionne" I reply gracefully. I know all about first meetings with important people so I make sure not to tell him to call me what all my friends do. Or used to.

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