Chapter 10

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I silently swam into the house, my tail barely swishing. Inside I desperately pleaded and prayed that I wouldn't be caught.

Well, it's good to wish.

As soon as I entered it, lights turned on. Sh*t!

Angry merparents glared at me, tails swishing fast back and forth.

My dad spoke first. Well, more like screamed at me.

"Where were you?! I don't believe our rules were that much to ask, and yet you disobeyed?! Do we have to babysit you like you're still a little merchild?! You are digging a deep hole for yourself, young lady!" He angrily screamed at me and I cowered against the wall, hoping he wouldn't smack me.

I hoped for too much.

He whipped his tail and smacked my arm, leaving a gash. I cried out in pain.

"Jeremy!" My mom said my merdads name just above a whisper.

"That's enough," She said in a strong but soft voice.

By now, I was in tears, gasping. I took deep breaths.

"I'm sorry father," I whispered, looking down. My merdad glared at me with piercing green eyes, no forgiveness or softness in them. Only anger. I could tell he was struggling to retain from slashing me again with his knife-sharp tail. My arm bled profusely. And sh*t, it stung like hell.

"Go to your room," my merfather said with clenched teeth. " I can't deal with you right now."

Obeying him, I quickly swam to my room, layed on my bed, and cried.

NOT updating until I get a VOTE! Love y'all, please keep reading! The plot gets more exciting!:)

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