Chapter 9 - You don't mess with me.

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Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. – Aristotle  

Chapter 9

Due to some annoying yet unknown reasons, I wake up way too early today. Frankly, I'm surprised to be getting out of bed without any force like , getting honked in the ear and even being pulled out of bed. Sarah does that a lot. Walking out of the bathroom like a drunk mad woman after taking a very refeshing shower, I put on my tee and shorts.

I look at the clock just to see it strikes 5, 5 in the morning. I have 3 freaking more hours before school starts. Urgh.

I yawn ,still feeling sleepy even after the icy, cold water splashing me just now. Looking at the mirror, I flinch after looking at my ugly yawning face.

"Ew." Don't get me wrong. I love myself more than anyone could, but that doesn't mean I have to lie to myself like "Hey Irea. You look so beautiful when you yawn."

My stomach grumbles and I snort. Why do I have to get hungry this early? I am just too lazy and sleepy to walk to the kitchen without running into wall after wall.

Since I have done all my homework that was supposed to be done weeks ago, I have nothing to do. Thinking about what to do , I grab my mobile phone and headphone on the nightstand and make my way to the kitchen.

I put my headphone on and listen to some random songs on shuffle. I scroll through my phone and take a look at my notifications. After deciding I am going to check everything when am eating later , I put my phone in my pocket,

Opening the door, I head straight to the staircase. Every part of the house is filled with silence, only my loud footsteps making thumping noise. It seems like no one has woken up yet. The hallway is all lit up. Fun fact about my house, no lights are switched off at night except our bedrooms. The chandelier that is hung on the ceiling of the staircase bring shine and shimmer to almost any room of the home.

Rubbing my arms again and again after feeling cold all of a sudden, I am happy that I am wearing my furry robe.


"What? You must be kidding me," I say under my breath as my stomach drops.

"I'm not kidding hun."

After grabbing a carton of juice and making some toast and scrambled egg for myself, I settle down on the kitchen island , devouring my masterpiece. I was scared as I kept feeling someone is staring at me, I decided to facetime with my grandma to cease this feeling.

She went to China for some business conference yesterday late at night in a rush so , I didn't really have a chance to say goodbye. I am actually lucky enough to have Sarah telling me yesterday or else I would have no slightest clue about this.

"You won't be back until next month? I hate this. You're becoming more like mother. Leaving without notice , dumping me like a rubbish," I grumble and pick at my food.

"Wow , look, I wonder who got home late last night? And your friends are here , and Matt too. What is the big deal? You can come here anytime too, sweetie."

"As if I care. Let me hang up now before I say something that will be hurtful for the both of us. Love you gran," I say without looking at her, even the eye contact is hurting me right now.

"Clear your mind. See you soon Irea. I love you." She smiles at me but I can't do more than forming a thin line on my lips.

I hang up the call. Losing my appetite to eat , I put my dish in the refridgerator and wash my hand in the sink.

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