Chapter 1 - School sucks.

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  "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you." ―  Joan Powers, Pooh's Little Instruction Book


"Ring!" The bell rings .

" Phew."

"Oh my God! Saturday here I come. "

"I can't wait to go home. "

"Wait, what? School is over? "

Different reactions to the same situation. As for me, I'm just like the majority of school population to be utterly grateful and blessed that weekend has finally arrived.

 "Alright class. I remind you to submit your assignment by next Monday. Those who are late, their marks will be deducted." Mrs. Snow, my Psychology teacher says. I believe she has completely lost her mind for asking us to finish a month's assignment in two days. God bless her, I pray silently.

This plan-buster have just sent my wonderful plans for the weekend into shattering pieces. By wonderful, I mean sleeping, watching Netflix, eating my hearts out and the list of plan for the lazies goes on and on. Those activities are supposed to be fun , right ? 

Shoving my pencil case , files and notes into my bag , I get up quickly before straightening my crumpled school uniform . I am still wondering why my mum signed me up in this private school. The idea of wearing casual outfits to school appeal to me more than some ugly school uniform. My face scrunches at the thought of wearing more uniform in the days to come.

I am really rushing as no seconds can be spare since two days off school are seriously insufficient. You've got to agree with me on that .

"Irea!" Someone yells across the hallway as soon as I step out of the classroom. Oh no, here she comes, my best friend, Zavanna Cortez. Don't get me wrong, I love her to the Pluto and back but her ideas for the weekend is a complete opposite of mine, which really get on my nerves sometimes. She goes to fitness training when I am more fond of accumulating all the fat, shop from day to night, yoga classes and studying. That's her weekend routine.

I am not surprised that she possesses a body of a model. She models for my mum's new design occasionally, which is her accomplishment that I'm very proud of .

 "Where are you Zavanna? I can't see you." I said waving my hand in the air as if I can't see her. In a matter of seconds, I feel a surge of pain shooting up my biceps.

" Ouch, I'm losing my hand. God! What did I do?" I hissed in pain with a tint of sarcasm.

Her face widens in disbelief at my sarcastic remark.

"Oh! Now you can see me huh? And it was just a light slap. God, you're overdramatic. You definitely should try soap opera, then win an Oscar."

Looking at her expression, I contain the laugh I am about to break into before replying.

"Don't exaggerate. It makes you even more boring than you're already. So what's up with calling me out loud?" I say as we walk to our locker that happened to be side by side to pick up some stuff before heading home . 

I display my student card on the scanner to unlock my locker. With a beep sound and a flash of a green LED light, the door opens before hitting my face. Stupid technology.

"As you know, tomorrow is a Saturday, and you know what -"

"We go shopping together until  your dad gets broke which is not going to happen anytime soon, I know. I wish tomorrow never comes if this is the way, " expressing my slight annoyance by cutting her off. 

I don't notice that our talk was so long that we have finally reached the school's car park. The car park is deserted since it's half an hour past school's dismissal.

"I love you so much Ireana! It's not that bad and honestly it won't take so long. So , I'll see you tomorrow , okay?" She said, getting in her Rolls Royce.

I walk to my car, ignoring what she says . Clicking the button on my key, the sound of my car being unlocked echoes through the car park. 

I put my bag and bottle on the passenger seat after opening its door while humming a song that has been stuck in my head all day. 

I couldn't find any other way to unwind myself after such an hectic day. Suddenly , I am almost deafened by the sound of honk directed at me . 

It feels like it is coming from Zavanna. I turned to look at her or the be exact, her car. Rolling her car window down, she yells. Duh , my hearing is still fine.

"He's back !"

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