Chapter 6: Game Stop

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Work is finally over which means I can go home. It also means that its getting closer to the time that I kick Noah's butt in Mario Kart. I gather my things, ready to leave when Mari comes up to me and asks,

"Hey Y/N. Me and Pete are going rock climbing tonight. Do you want to join us?"

"And be a third wheel? No thanks," I reply sarcastically. We both laugh. "but seriously I can't tonight. I'm hanging out with Noah." She gives me a knowing smirk even though there's nothing to know.

"No Mari! Its not like that! You and Joven already attacking me over this." I tell her. She puts her hands up in defense.

"Alright alright. I understand. See you tomorrow. Have fun." She says, waving.

"You too, Mari." I do the same. Why is everyone assuming things.

Noah's POV

Two hours until Y/N comes over. I need to get ready. I know I'm making this a big deal. That's only because Y/N is a big deal. I get home quickly and get some snacks ready. My mom walks in with a confused face.

"Noah honey, why are you in such a rush? Are you that hungry? I can make you something." She tells me.

"No that's okay mom. Y/N is coming over to play Mario Kart at 5." I say carrying all the food in my arms walking towards my room.

"I thought you didn't have that game. Isn't that the racing game you keep saying you want?" I stop dead in my tracks and drop all of the food that's in my arms on the floor. I don't own any of the Mario Kart games. How stupid do I have to be to plan a Mario Kart date and not have Mario Kart. Wait did I just call it a date? I snap out of this trance when my mom starts dangling my car keys in front of my face.

"Better make it quick. You have an hour, sweetie." I grabbed the keys and ran out of the house as fast as I could. I started the car, pulled out of the driveway, and raced down the street going to the nearest Game Stop. When I get there, I park crooked in the parking spot. At this point, I honestly don't care. I just need to get this game. I rush in and see the most horrific thing.

The line.

This is the longest line I've ever seen in a Game Stop before. What the hell is going on? Is there a new game or something? I quickly search for the game in the Wii section. I spot Mario Kart 8 and go to grab it when all of a sudden, someone walks by the shelf and when they move, its gone. ITS GONE?! THE LAST ONE?!

"No no no no no no no" I mumble. I search through the store looking to see who has stolen this game from my line of sight.

"Mommy can I get this?" I whip my head around so fast to see a little boy about 7 years old holding up Mario Kart 8 to his mother. I just stare with disbelief. I need to get that game. But how? I watch the boy and his mother discuss about getting the game. The mother shakes her head no and takes the game and puts it on the shelf near her. YES! The boy looks mad and about ready to cry. I feel bad but I need that game so I'm glad he didn't get it.

When the mother and son walk off. I run over and swipe the game up from the shelf and hold it in the air with joy. I turn around with a smile on my face until I see the line and my smile drops.


When I get home, I'm greeted with my sister, Alyssa, running up to me and hugging my legs.

"Hey Alys!" I call her by her nickname and hug her.

"Can you play with me later?" She asks me with big puppy eyes. I hate to turn down my sister but I already have plans.

"I can't today Alys. I'm hanging out with a friend later. I'm sorry." I tell her truthfully.

"Can I come too?" She really wants to hang out with me.

"I don't think so. Maybe next time." I smiled sincerely at her.

"Okay." She said sadly. I hate when she's sad. I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink and see my mom getting ready to cook diner.

"Hey honey. What do you want for dinner" She asks.

"Oh I'm not going to be here for dinner. I'm going to a friends house." I tell her taking a sip of my drink.

"One of the new people from work I assume?"

"Yep. Noah. I'm leaving at 5."

"Alrigh- wait Noah? As in a boy?" She asks mid sentence. Oh no. Here we go.

"It's nothing mom. I promise. We're just playing a video game." I assured her.

"Fine." She replied. She's not really fond of me being around boys or having a boyfriend but I'm 18 now. She needs to stop.

Noah's POV

I got in the back of the line, clutching the game making sure no one takes it again. I check my phone and see it is 4:30. I groan and tap my foot. Out of all the days in the year, the line decides to be endless the day I'm here. And why is there only one cashier working up there? There's like a billion of us out here. I watch as a customer walks up to the counter and starts yelling at the cashier. I watch and listen to hear that they're complaining about not getting a refund. I run my hand through my hair and close my eyes.

"Oh my god!" I groan. Suddenly everyone starts clapping and cheering. I look up to see that two new workers came out to help. It's about time. I check the time on my phone again. 4:43. I start tapping my foot again. There's three people in front of me. That's not bad. One of the cashiers call next and now I'm third in line. The guy in front of me turns around and says,

"You can cut in front of me. You seem to be in a hurry." I stare at him for a second before I thank him.

"Girl problems?" The guy asks. How does he know?

"Yeah kinda. I made plans to play this game at 5 and little did I know, I didn't have the game to begin with." I explain my problem. We both both chuckle.

"My name is Shayne by the way." He tells me.

"I'm Noah." I say back right when a cashier says next. I go and pay for my game and leave. I wave bye to Shayne and open the doors to outside. I get in my car, and check the time on my phone once again. 4:54. Lucky I live close.

I pull into the drive way and run into the house. The door slams behind me and my mom races out of the kitchen with her hand on her chest.

"Sorry mom. I got the game." I hold up the game smiling. I run upstairs to my room and see my mom has brought all the snacks I dropped on the floor before up here. I open the Mario Kart case to make it look like its not brand new. I dropped to my bed and take a deep breath feeling as I haven't taken one the entire time I was out. That's when I hear that sound. The doorbell.

Thanks for reading everyone! Vote, comment, share do whatever you want. I wonder who this Shayne guy is and what you and Noah are gonna do. ;)

~Ashley :D

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