Chapter 9: Playdate with Alyssa

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I am so sorry!!It's been like a month. It's my fault. I've been really lazy. I've been binge watching House and Chicago Fire..  sorryyyy. But now since its spring break maybe I can bust some chapters out. Hopefully.


      We just wrapped filming for the day. It was really fun. Well it's always fun. Now it's time to hang out with Noah. I've come to the conclusion and realized I do like Noah. I'm not going to tell anyone. Besides Joven of course. I tell him everything. Noah and I are going to hang out at my house today. Alyssa really wants to hang out with me too. I promised her last time and I don't want to break that promise.
"Hey Y/N/N ready to go?" Noah asked walking up from behind me.
"Yep. Alyssa is waiting and she's super excited to meet you." Its true. She's been asking about Noah ever since I told her about him. We both get into my car since I gave Noah a ride to set this morning and head towards my house. We arrived at our destination and went inside.

"Alyssa!! I'm home!" I call out. Soon we hear footsteps running upstairs and down the stairs. Alyssa appears around the corner. She's all jumpy and excited until she sees Noah and gets shy. She puts her hands up to her mouth, walks towards me, and hugs my legs. She always gets shy around new people.

"Alys say hi." I tell her. She waves and quietly says hi. Noah smiles and bends down to match her height.

"Hi Alyssa. I'm Noah," Alyssa stays where she is. Noah chuckles, "Its okay. When I met your sister for the first time I was shy too. I'm here for a play date. So where's the toys?" Alyssa smiles and reaches for Noah's hand. Noah grabs her hand and stands back up.

"I'll be up there in a minute. I'm going to get some snacks." I tell them. Alyssa, still holding Noah's hand, leads him towards the stairs to go to her room and play. I smile at the sight of them. Noah is so good with kids. I just wanted to awe at them.

"That's so sweet. Is that Noah?" I was startled by the voice of my mother behind me. She just came upstairs from the basement with laundry.

"Yeah that's Noah." I say with a smile, glancing back at the stairs where they once were.

"From the little I saw, he seems like a nice boy." She tells me.

"He is. Where's Dad?" I reply changing the subject because I felt awkward.

"He's staying late at the hospital again. He needs to run more tests on his patient." She answers. I nod and walk into the kitchen to get the snacks I said I was getting. I walk up to Alyssa's room and open the door to the funniest thing. Noah's back is facing me and he doesn't know I'm here yet. He was making his two dolls have a fight over a guy.

"Nuh uh gurl Damian is mine! If I ever see you with him again imma pull your weave out!" I try my hardest to keep my laughter hidden.

"Oh really?! Damian told me he loves me!" I can't hold in my laugh anymore so I let it out. Noah turns around with a shocked expression.

"You saw that whole thing didn't you?" I nod and Alyssa and I continue laughing.

We played for a little more and decided that we should watch a movie. We go down to the living room and let Alyssa choose the movie. She obviously picks Frozen. Of course. I go to make popcorn before the movie starts.

Noah's POV

      We decided to watch a movie after playing. Alyssa picked a movie and she ran over and shoved the movie case in my arms.

"I wanna watch this one! Can you put it on pwease?" She asks me. I look at the dvd and see that its Frozen. I expected this.

"Yeah sure Alys." I get up and put the dvd in and wait for the menu screen to pop up.

"Mommy mommy! This is Nowa!" I turn around and stand up to see Alyssa pulling her mom over to me.

"Hi Noah. I'm Grace. I didn't get a chance to meet you before." She greets me and puts her hand put to shake mine. I shake her hand and say,

"Hi its nice to meet you and yeah Alyssa really wanted to play." I smile down at Alyssa.

"I can tell your a really nice boy. You should come over for dinner one day when my husband isn't staying late at work." She states.

"Yeah. Sure I'd love to. I'll tell Y/N to tell me what day is good." I say. She nods and is about to say something else but Y/N walks into the room and says,

"Popcorn is done! Who's ready for a movie?" Grace smiles at me and leaves the room. Y/N sits down and I sit down next to her. Alyssa squeezes in between us and snuggles up next to Y/N. We start the movie and Alyssa is already singing. I look at Y/N and she looks at me and we chuckle and shake our heads at Alyssa's hyper self. Halfway through the movie, Alyssa decided to lay on me instead of Y/N. She seemed tired too. I put my around around her so she was more comfortable. Soon I was feeling tired and couldn't keep my eyes open. Then I was out.


      We were watching the movie and another song started. But I didn't hear any singing from Alyssa. I look over and see she's sound asleep cuddled into Noah who is also asleep. It's honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen. I just have to take a picture. I decided to post the picture on Instagram. The post said,

@NoahGrossman214 and Alyssa fell asleep during Frozen and its soo cute omg <3 #goals

Notifications started popping up like crazy. Comments saying things like,

Adorable <3 <3

So cute :D

Ew Frozen :(

They're cute but Y/N and Noah would be cuter #(ship name)

Ever since the new guys were introduced to the fans, people have been shipping Noah and I. Which is kind of funny considering whats going on between us. We aren't together yet but we're more than friends. Maybe we can decide that soon.

This was a cute chapter. Again sorry this took so long to update. Vote, comment, share, whatever you want to do with this story. Thanks for still reading this    ~Ashley :D

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