Chapter 17: Smosh Summer Games - Balls Deep Soccer and an Accident Part 2

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NEAPOLITAN NOAH can u believe him

"We need to get her to the hospital. We can take my car," Sunny tells us, "Someone pick her up and let's go!"

Noah's POV
    I look at Wes because he's obviously the strongest one. He picked up Y/N and placed her in the back seat of the car. I got in next to her and Joven got in the passenger seat.
"Why are you coming, Joven? You don't have to come." Y/N asks clearly in pain. Joven turns around in his seat to face her.
"Because you're my best friend and I'll always be there for you." Joven answered. Y/N smiled and mouthed a thank you to him.
   When we got to the hospital, a nurse with a wheelchair came rushing out of the hospital to the side of the car. We all run in to the hospital except for Sunny who went to go park the car. Inside the hospital was all white and clean. It smelled of chemicals and cheap air freshener. The hospital was surprisingly almost empty with only one or two people sitting in the waiting room.

   We come up to big double doors that read:
            "DO NOT ENTER
              STAFF ONLY" and another sign that said:
Before we went in, the nurse turns to Joven, Noah and Sunny who just ran in, and says,
"I'm sorry but not all of you can follow us back. One of you may come along but the others will have to wait over there." The nurse says while pointing to the waiting area. The three exchange looks.
"Go ahead, Noah." Joven spoke up, looking at Noah.
"A-Are you sure?" Noah asks nervously. Sunny and Joven nod in agreement and walk towards the waiting room. Noah follows me and the nurse into the E.R. We arrive to a room with an examining table with that stupid sanitary paper in that that rips with the slightest touch. I'm propped up on the table and the nurse tells me to elevate my foot and wait for the doctor to come in. Noah holds my hand the entire time. He seems more nervous than I am.
"Are you alright?" He asks me while he rubs his thumb over my knuckles. I squeeze his hand back. "Yeah it's still hurts like hell though. Thanks for being so concerned." I reply. Noah smiles and kisses my temple. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door and a man with blonde hair walked in who I assume is the doctor. He seemed really young to be a doctor.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Robert Chase and I'm your doctor today. What seems to be the problem?" He asked with a beautiful Australian accent which left me so speechless that I forgot he asked me a question.

Noah's POV
The doctor walked in and Y/N completely froze at the sight of him. What's this guy have that I don't? ...Well uh he's a doctor I guess and Australian to top it off. Y/N is a sucker for accents. Dr. Chase asks what happened and Y/N is flustered. So I answer for her.
"We were playing soccer and someone fell on her foot and now we're here." I keep it short and simple for him. He doesn't need to know our life story. He looks at me and his smile fell after hearing the tone of my voice.
"Well let's take a look." He states and turns around to wash his hands. While his back is turned, Y/N slaps my arm because of my rude behavior towards Dr. Chase. I give her a confused look and turn back to the doctor. He takes Y/N's foot and starts to push on places and turn and ask her it it hurts.
"I'm going to assign you a X-ray to get a better look. Be right back." He suggests and leaves the room.
"What the bell was that, Noah?" Y/N questions me.
"What do you mean 'what was that'? You were gawking all over the doctor." I answered truthfully about what I witnessed. Y/N gave out a huffed chuckle.
"Are you jealous? He's my doctor, Noah. Yes, he may be really attractive but I only have eyes for you." Y/N states making me feel a little better and guilty.
"I'm sorry. I just get paranoid sometimes that you're going to leave me for someone better." I admit looking down at my hands. Y/N grabs both of my hands and I look up at her.
"Don't say that, Noah. I'd never leave you for someone better because there's no one better than the boy I'm looking at right now." She replies gaining me back some of my confidence. We smile at each other and I put a hand on her cheek and bring her in for a soft kiss on the lips.
"I'm sorry too. I guess I got a little too carried away with his looks." She jokes and we both laugh.
   Dr. Chase comes back in with a wheelchair and takes Y/N to get her x-ray while I wait in the room. I look at my phone and see a text from Joven asking if everything is okay. I reply back saying that Y/N's getting an x-ray done and continue to wait for her to come back.

While Dr. Chase is wheeling me to the x-ray room, he asks,
"Is he your boyfriend? The one back there?" I smile and reply back.
"Yes he is. Sorry about him. He's just looking out for me."
"Don't worry. I've dealt with worse people. My boss is crazy. You wouldn't even believe half of the things I'd tell you about him." He answers back and we both laugh.

*After X-Ray*

Noah's POV
When they came back from the d-ray room, we find out that Y/N had a fractured ankle. She's going to have to wear a boot and walk wit crutches. Before we leave, I say thank you to Dr. Chase and sorry for the way I acted. Now we can finally go back to the beach house and have lunch.

There might be a part 3 for this. Also I have SATs this Saturday and I haven't studied at all haaaaaa. It's all trick questions anyway tbh. But yeah here was the chapter. Yes, Dr. Chase is from House M.D. 😂

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2017 ⏰

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