Chapter 16: Smosh Summer Games - Balls Deep Soccer and an Accident Part I

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Lmao it's been like 6 months since I updated oops. I haven't updated since Smosh Live. Well now it's spring break and I'm not busy. I have SATs next month and my road test in June so it's crazy. But anyway here's what you've all been waiting for!

Today was day two of filming Smosh Summer Games. Today we are going to play soccer while inside an inflatable ball. All you have sticking out are your legs. We were all super excited. When the cameras started rolling, Ian and Anthony explained the game. After that, Anthony asks,
"What are the rules, Shayne?"
"There is one rule to balls deep soccer. Don't be a fucking dick." Shayne answered. It was time to put on the balls. Ha. Once I had it on, I was immediately knocked to the ground, which didn't hurt at all. No surprise that the person who knocked me down was Noah. He just stood there laughing. So I got up and pushed him with my ball while he was caught off guard. That's when I started laughing.
"How do you like me now?" I stated. He smiled and I helped him up and he went to our teams' side. When the whistle was blown, we all ran to the middle towards the soccer ball. Which led us to bumping into each other and shooting us back. I don't even know what was happening. It started getting really hot inside it. It also hurt a little. I can feel my legs being scratched up. But that's noting I can't handle. Everyone began getting really tired and out of breath so we called a time out and took a break. I honestly don't even know who's winning.

Noah's POV
Balls deep soccer is so tiring. I feel like I'm about to pass out. So I decided to switch with Shayne. I took his whistle and ref shirt and started running away from him as he chased me. We were still taking a short intermission so I sat down and drank some water that we were given.
"Hey, you alright?" An arm wraps around my shoulders and I see that it's Y/N.
"Yeah just a little light headed I guess. What about you? Are you okay?" I ask back.
"Yep just a few scratches from everyone's sharp toenails but that's about it." We laugh at her comment.
We stopped laughing and it turned into an awkward silence which made us laugh again.

"Alright love birds! Get up! It's times to continue." Laser pen interrupted. We got up and I took the whistle from around Noah's neck and blew it in Lasercorn's face. Which cause him to yelp and make everyone else laugh. We got back in our balls and went to our designated sides again. This time, I'm going to go full out. I'm going to give it my all. Everyone was still pretty tired so I figured it would be easy. When I had the ball, I noticed that Lasercorn was in front of me and had my team's goal. Someone bumped me and I flew to the side and the other team got a goal.
"Cheater!" I yelled specifically at Lasercorn. We went back to our sides again and waited for the whistle.
"Alright guys! I'm hungry and I need medical attention! Next goal wins!" Noah yelled and blew the whistle.
Everything that happened next seemed to go in slow motion. I ran towards the ball and slid to kick it. But someone landed in my left foot from the other side. I felt excruciating pain run up my leg starting at my ankle. The pain became more intense as more people came running over to try and get the ball. I sat there and pulled my legs up into the ball si they wouldn't get hurt more. Some people noticed me just sitting there in pain. The others were busy making a goal for my team which is good I guess. I hear whistles and people yelling to stop. Anthony lifted the ball off of me and asked me what's wrong while everyone ran over.
"My ankle. Someone landed on it and it hurts like hell." I explained through gritted teeth. I take a look at my foot and see it's very swollen and red and purple. Noah pushes through everyone and kneels next to me and holds my hand.
"We need to get her to the hospital. We can take my car," Sunny tells us, "Someone pick her up and let's go."

To be continued....

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