I'll Be There Soon (Poe Dameron x Reader)

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"Okay, let's just lie Y/N down here for now," Leia told the two medics that were carrying you on the stretcher.

You groaned, "How long is this going to take to heal? I have things to do."

Leia laughed, "Y/N, you have a broken leg, internal bleeding, fractured ribs and a lot of bruising. You're going to be in the infirmary for while."

"Wait, what?!" You heard a voice exclaim.

"Poe?" You tried to look around the room for him, but the throbbing in your head–and the pain everywhere else in your body– stopped you from doing that.

Leia moved in front of you, waving her communications radio.

"Everything is fine, Dameron. Here, Y/N can hear you," Leia moved the radio closer to you.

"Y/N? Are you hurt?"

"I mean, I got injured pretty badly but honestly it's not–"

"Okay, that's it. I'm coming back. Y/N, I'll be there soon."
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