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Another day as some jocks laugh at me for wearing 'girly' clothing. I walk inside the men's restroom to check myself up, I quickly search the place to see if it was clear; which it was. I stand in front of the mirror as I adjust the flower crown that I had wrap around my fluffy dirty brown hair. Along with my flannel jumper as I pull it down to my mid-thighs. I inhale a little bit as I realised if I don't hurry up I'll be late for my next class.

I walk out of the restroom and head to my History classroom just as the bell rang. I mentally cursed myself since I hate being late to class, and have half of the people stare at me as if I murdered someone right in front of them along with some would snicker at me.

Luckily I snuck in without getting caught as I sigh in relief and went along with the class. It really does suck not having anyone you like in your class since you have no idea who to talk to, and it's really embarrassing to have other people talk to their friends and you're the only one sitting there in silence.

I went to look at the teacher as he blabs about something that happened about in Medieval times. In this class, I lose focus on everything but still manage to pass this class. I could hear some people snicker about something and I automatically assume that they were laughing at me. It's been this way since freshmen year, but I like the way how I dress and it feels more me than having to pretend to like wearing Nike clothing and Air Jordans.

I get inspired by Tyler Oakley and Dan Howell for my outfit. I'm thinking more Tyler than Dan. Thinking about Tyler, I kinda want to dye my hair lilac since I think it's a pretty colour; but I can only wish.

Just as I knew it, that class was over and I start heading to the library for my free time since that's where it's held at. It's the second thing I look forward to since I like spending my time doing my work or obsess with Tyler with one of my friends. Sadly she isn't here today so I went ahead to do my work.

"Hey, pastel freak! What time is it?" one of the jock yell from across the room. I roll my eyes at the name they gave me. It's really stupid to ask since the digital clock is visible for everyone to see.

I desperately wanted to respond back with a smart-ass remark, but I didn't want to get punched and have them make fun of me even more; plus, I'm a really nice person.

"Twelve fifteen,"I respond back just as I went to do my work from the previous classes.

For me, it's like my classes pass by real quick. One minute I'm in, one minute I'm out.
The bell ring as all the jocks starts running to the door like we were in the Hunger Games. I wouldn't be surprised if they start killing people in their path to the cafeteria.
I'm the type of person that speed walk there since I have respect for the school rules and normally they don't sell quality food.

I set my place in the corner of the room before heading into the lunch line. From what I heard they were serving us their 'supreme burrito'. Which is just mystery meat and beans with a small amount of lettuce and cheese. With that type of food that they are feeding us, I could call the health inspector.
I went ahead to grab a plastic container of their 'chef salad' that has cold nuggets along with a small carton of milk.

I waited for my boyfriend to sit with me since I haven't seen him all day today. Suddenly a brunette guy sat next to me and went to hold my hand. I look over at the cutie that's my boyfriend; brown locks, grey eyes, porcelain skin with such great personalities. He's literally perfect in my eyes and I can't believe he's mine.

"How's your day been going?" he asks while munching on a carrot.

"Alright,"I shrug,"not liking how people always treat me."

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