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After all the gifts he got me for my graduation, I decided to get him one since I realised that he didn't get anything from anyone. Maybe he did, but probably never showed me. I actually saved up a lot of money to get him one and I hope he likes it.

I had mum's help on tying the teeny present and told her I was heading to the Hemmings' household. She wished me luck with the gift, I don't think I would need it since Luke would like anything I get for him. Deep inside I was nervous that he wouldn't like the gifts I got him. I know him pretty swell so I also felt confident with the gifts.

I casually cross the street with the box held behind my back as I walk up and knocked on the door. It was a few seconds before the door opened and it was Mrs. Hemmings.

"Hello Mrs. Hemmings,"I greet her with a pleasant smile. Just how mum taught me to do so I can make the person I'm greeting feel pleased.

"Why hello Ashton!"she happily chirp."Haven't seen you in awhile."

"I was wondering if Luke was home?"

"Yes he is, he's just in his room."she nod before letting me in."It's the last door to the left."she inform before heading back and watching her TV show.

I got to the last door and knocked on it. Then hearing him groan in annoyance from the other side before asking,"Who is it?"

I went to open the door and smile brightly at him as he was laying in his bed with earbuds in. His annoyed look quickly turn to a bright smile as he pulled out his earbuds."Hey babydoll!"

I left the door just touching the doorframe before sitting on his bed. He sat up so there was more room for me, and I realise that he was shirtless. I bite my lower lip and noticed him smirking at me before implying,"Like what you see?"

I felt my cheeks redden before stuttering,"I–uh,–I–" he chuckles at me in response,"You are so damn adorable."

I look around his room and saw multitude of band posters plaster all over his wall. Many of them from the eighties, I look over and saw a Gibson acoustic guitar and the weight fell of my shoulders."What's behind your back?"his voice snap me back to his attention.

"I–uh, kinda got you a gift."I shyly tell him before giving him the present.

"Babydoll, you know I don't like getting gifts."he said.

"I-I know, but I had too. I felt terrible with you spending your money on me, I want to get you something. So I did."

He smile at me before he went to open the gift. It was a longing moment of silence as he pulled out a guitar pick and look at the imprints. It had a skull with heart eyes and he look at the back, which has A+L and the year. He look back up at me, his eyes shimmer with happiness as he was speechless on what to say. To be honest, I wasn't really expecting this kind of reaction coming from him.

"If you don't want to use it as a guitar pick, there's a chain that came along so you can wear it as a necklace."I tell him after the long silence between us.

He looks back down before grabbing the second gift in the box. My body was filling with excitement since I knew he was going to like the second gift as well. He pull out an envelope with his name scribble down by my handwriting. He pry open the envelope before tensing up.

"Y-You got me t-tickets for W-Warped?"he quietly stutter, trying to keep sane.

I happily nod with a smile in response. In one move he crawled toward me, caress my face with one hand and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips."T-Thank you so much babydoll."he quietly inform me as our foreheads were touching.

"You are welcome,"I smile at him.

"I can't believe you spent all this money on a shitty person like me. I-I don't even deserve–"

"Lucas Hemmings,"I scorn at him."You are not a shitty person! You are the most amazing person I ever came upon to. You do deserve all this because I deeply care about you."I tell him, which left him in utter shock.


I cut him off with another chaste kiss. Which hit the sweet spot and neither of us wanted to stop. He pulled me on top of him as we continued to kiss, before it went too far I release and place my forehead on his. Just staring into his beautiful blue eyes that I fell in love with on the first day.
His breathing was deep as mine was the same, along with my heart racing.

"A-Ashton,"he start. I hum in response for him to continue on."I–I–I think I–I l–love you."he quietly stutter out, staring deep into my eyes.

My breath hitch as my head starts swirling. This is the first time a guy told me he loved me—Micah never told me that he loved me. I never thought Luke would feel the same way as I did about him—I was pretty fucking nervous to tell him that I love him as well. That boy is fucking confident if he had the courage to say he loved me. I would never have that.

"I—I love you too."

A smile crept onto his face as I went to kiss him on the lips again.

I got the feels from this chapter, then again it was my plan. I actually don't know if Australia has a Warped Tour since I don't live there, if there isn't then just pretend ;---)

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