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Rumour has it that we're going to have a new student—such excellent from me. Another new person to add to the popular clique at lunch and I'll be alone again. Also found out my 'friend' moved without saying goodbye to me; okay then. I'm even more alone than ever, I've always had at least one person by my side at school. Here I go again, a few days of being alone and feeling lonely.
I went to check my outfit in the mirror of the men's restroom; making sure everything goes together. I adjust my usual flower crown that's on my fluffy dirty blonde hair so that it doesn't fall off.

I went to look myself in the eyes as I was mentally giving me a pep talk for another lonely day at school. It was already the start of third period but it's never too late to give myself a motivational speech on surviving another day in high school.
I sigh before heading out of the restroom and heading to my third-period class.

I snuck right in as a few people quickly glimpse at me before looking back at the board again. I walk to the back of the room as I went along on what the class was doing.
I look to see what was on the board but the teacher kept writing stuff as I start getting lost on where we were until the teacher called on me to answer a question I have no idea about.

My cheeks start to get warm as all eyes were on me, all the pressure on me as several people snicker. The teacher sigh in annoyance as she called on another student. I stare at the desk wishing that I could disappear with Micah forever.
Thinking about him–I haven't seen him today, probably out sick. He did tell me that his younger brother gave him the flu so he won't be here.

Now I'm all alone again, wishing that I had at least two friends that would stick by my side. But apparently nobody likes me by who I am, I'm just some gay pastel freak that everyone doesn't like. Tears sting my eyes as I tried to refrain them from falling, I don't want a jock to yell at me for being a baby and crying and cause some unwanted scene.

The bell goes off as it startled me from my deep thinking, not even knowing how the class is already over. I grab my things and headed to my next class; this time not being late.

I always dreaded this class since it always confuses me. I know that this class is important so that we don't end up like cavemen, by not knowing how to divide equations; that's what the teacher told us at the beginning of the year.

"Okay class, pick a partner to go over the homework from last night!" the teacher announces.

Everybody quickly picks out their partners as I look around the room. Watching as some people laugh at a joke their partners cracked or chatting about the weekend. No one showed any interest in wanting me as a partner, I look down at the paper in front of me and checked to see if I got some right.
That seemed to go about ten minutes before we had to turn in the paper.

I opened my notebook and stare at it as the teacher starts talking about what we are learning on the board. This is the other class that I zone out but still get decent grades.

The class bell ring as I gathered my books and headed to my next class—which is free time and it's held in the library. The more I zone out, the quicker classes are and I really don't want to be here anymore. Even though I have a year left in this hell-hole.

If another jock asks me what the time is, I'm going to flip since the clock is large enough to read from the back of the room. I'm not even in the mood to interact with any of them.

I went to work on the work from the previous classes as some popular jocks laugh at me. I could tell that they were since they were looking at me and laughing about something. Sometimes I wish that I could have Dan's attitude and not give two shits about anyone, but that doesn't apply in my brain.

I went to cover my face so that I don't see them laughing at whatever I did wrong. Probably laughing about earlier today when I didn't know the answer.

Micah would definitely make everything better but he isn't here. I went to text him about the day so far, then went ahead to continue on my work. I look down again but no message back. Usually, he texts back right away–maybe he's asleep since that poor thing is sick.

I put my phone back and continued on my work for the remainder of the time until the bell rings for lunch.
As usual, the jocks charge to the glass push doors as if there's no tomorrow. Those cunts wasting their time on the school's food, thank god that I packed this time—and for the rest of the year.

I went to sit in the corner of the cafeteria and went to eat my pleasant, yet quality food from my mum. Along with some treats that I stole from Harry when he was busy playing Mario; I'm such a lovely older brother, I know.

I quietly ate my food as the people around me were chatting quite loud, along with laughing and some were trying to impress one another. My eyes landed on a girl that was shyly holding hands with another girl. My heart flutter with happiness then again, it must be in a friendly way.
The other girl kissed her cheek as I tried to look away, I didn't want to look like a freak that's been staring at them the whole time.

I'm actually happy that I'm not the only one that likes the same sex. But there are people that are probably hiding their sexuality from one another.
I kinda want to be her friend but I don't know if they like me or not.

The bell ring as I went to throw away my trash that was a foot away from me before I went off to enjoy the rest of my day.

Sorry for another crappy chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it! :-------)

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