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I think I lost contact with him ever since he came over to my house. It was the following Wednesday and it's been a couple days. I went with it if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, not like I care. Not like he's super attractive and I want to be with him.

I stopped in the middle of the ever-so-crowded hallway with my eyes huge and shaped as an 'o'. People budge into me wanting to get to their next class. I just admitted that I like Luke—and I'm taken! Oh fuck, this can't be happening.

I continue on to my next class—which is free time, and I have to sit with him. It's been awkward over the last few days without a word spoken between each other. Usually, he would silently stare at me half of the time.

I sat in my place and grab out homework to do as he walks in. The same usual shouts from the jocks saying that he's the 'emo boy'. In my opinion, I don't think he is—I think he's more punk. He does have a carefree attitude and wants to go against authority abundant of times.

He sits across from me without anything in his hands; I wonder if he actually does get his work done, I mean–we have forty-five minutes to do so! "I'm taking a guess from your mum that you are Ashton." his voice breaks the silence."About time you said my name."I tell him.

"What's with the sass?" he scoffs."Are you in the bad mood? Did that boy of yours break up?"

"No,"I scoff at his questions."I thought we weren't talking to each other anymore, I'm going along with your little game."

"What game?" he asks in confusion, his arms react the same way.

"I don't know! I thought you don't want to talk to me so I'm doing whatever you're doing."I quietly exclaim at him.

He folds his muscular arms across his chest."I'm just going along with whatever your doing Irwin." he smirks.

"Look, somehow you're pissed off at me. I'm sorry about whatever I did."

He slowly nods at my statement."Usually, I don't give in easily with people, but sure." he shrugs at the end. Then went to lean back on his rocking chair.

I look at the empty space in front of him."Don't you do homework?" He leans forward so he could be a little closer to me before answering,"You distract me."

"Well, sorry that I distract you. I barely talk."I scoff in defence.

"No, not with your talking." he interjects with a head shake.

"What do you mean? Just because I'm sitting here doesn't mean I can easily distract you from your work."I tell him, totally confused about what he meant.

All he did was wink in response, my brain automatically knew what he meant now. My cheeks flourish into a blush as I tried to do my work. Which is hard when he's staring at me the whole time and occasionally licking his bottom lip.

"Don't you get bored staring at me?"I ask later in the class period as I switch from my English work to my geometry.

"Nope," he smirks at me again. Holy fuck, every time he smirks at me I tend to lose focus on my work.

Everything fell into silence again as I went to get my work done."How's that Micah boy?" he asks. I cautiously look up at him before asking,"Why you want to know?"

He shrugs,"Just want to see how my boy's relationship is, even though I don't look like it, but I do care."

That was totally random, apparently, I'm 'his boy' now. Probably referring to me being his friend or something like that.

"Pretty good,"I nonchalantly shrug."Still going strong after being together for six months. But we have to deal with people's bullshit."

He absentmindedly nods while his oceanic eyes stare at the baby blue table. I don't think that he cares about how long we've been together, maybe I should've kept it simple.

"Do you get annoyed when people assume that you're emo?"I ask him, that topic has been nagging my brain for awhile.

"Nah, I know it isn't true." he answers."Like I said, I don't take people's bullshit. If they have a problem with that they can suck my ass."

"I don't think you are,"I tell him. He look straight into my eyes,"Cool, don't let those assholes get into your brain."

A smile tug on my lips as I add,"You aren't so bad after all."

"Sure," he nod." that's what they all say."

I know that he's denying it, but I can tell in his eyes that he knows it's true.

The bell ring, signalling that it's lunchtime and watched as he starts jogging to the cafeteria, leaving this whole conversation behind him. I sadly smile as I casually head to my lunch table.

As I got there, Nona was already eating lunch from her tray. I happily greet her before sitting down across from her."Helene isn't here today." she sadly announces. I barely have classes with Helene but it's weird for her not being at school.

"Have you had a conversation with Luke?"I ask in a quiet tone, not wanting to make a huge deal out of it. Plus people are close to us so they can hear in our conversation.

"Uh, the new kid that somehow got accepted to this school even though he's covered with tattoos?" she informs about Luke's looks.

I nod for her to continue on."No, I don't bother since I've heard from people that he's a dick and likes to be a smart ass to a lot of people. He doesn't notice my existence, so why not?"

If he's a dick and being a smart ass to other people, then why is he being all casual to me?

"But he is mighty fine compared to the other guys in here. If I was straight I would want to date him, and if he was a lot nicer," she adds.

"He's not used to being here, I also think that he has family problems at home. But I don't want to jump to conclusions."

"If that's what you think. For some strange reasons I can see you two together." she smiles at the last part.

"What? Are you serious?"I ask in surprise. I kinda want it to happen, but I'm in a great relationship with Micah!

"Who do you see Ashton with?"Micah's voice came out of nowhere.

I quickly look at Nona since I don't know what to tell him. I have Micah dear in my heart and I don't want to break his heart if Nona sees me and Luke together instead of me and Micah.

"Tyler Oakley!"I nervously exclaim."Uh, Nona jokingly sees me and Tyler Oakley together. But I think it's really weird since no one can replace you!"

"Yeah, it's a girl thing."

He laughs since he understands as he went to sit down next to me. I quietly sigh in relief as she did the same.

Sorry if this book isn't really that good. I'm trying and this chapter isn't really that good. I hope you enjoy it so far! :-----------)

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