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It's been a month since Luke moved to this school. To be honest I never thought my life would change this much ever since he came into my life. Things with Micah is getting a little fishy, the pit in my stomach is going really strong every time he's around me. I don't feel happy around him as I used to, which makes me feel bad since he's the first boy that I cared with all my heart.
He was also my first kiss.

I was picking around the casserole that mum made last night with a plastic spork as I had my head resting on the palm of my hand. Nona went to sit across from me with a look of concern written all over her face."What's wrong?" she question.

"I honestly don't know,"I sigh."I don't feel happy around Micah as much as I used to. I feel like something's wrong and I don't know what to do."

"Break up with him?"

"It's honestly not that simple,"I remind her."he's the first guy that I cared about and my first kiss. I can't just dump him at once and be okay with it. I'm also a really nice person so I can't really do that."

"I feel like something's going on with him, I can feel it too. But, you're going to get your heart broken anyway—if he breaks up with you or you break up with him. Don't forget that you're not alone if you need someone to cry to, I'm here."

I gave her a sympathetic smile in return. I don't know how I ended up with such a great friend."Where is he anyway?" she asks while looking around the room.

"He had to retake a test, teacher forced him."I inform her."But I'm going to walk around, I need to clear my mind."I tell her before getting up.

"Okay, if it takes the whole period I'll take your stuff to chemistry."

I start walking out of the cafeteria and into the deafening silence of the hallway. Everyone is either in the lunchroom or packed in their classrooms. A few people here and there were walking down the hallway.

Suddenly I start hearing a random noise as I went to investigate what it was, and not getting caught. I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple making out in an empty room.
I peek around the corner and immediately regret doing that action. Before I knew it, tears sting my eyes and I ran off, I didn't want anyone to see me crying.

I went to hide in one of the men's stall and quietly start crying. This is what I was afraid of, I was exactly afraid that this would happen. My heart starts breaking into a million pieces as that scene replay in my mind; torturing me—as if my mind was laughing at me for being in love with someone.

I didn't feel like moving my body when the bell ring, signaling that classes start here in a mere three minutes. I groan since I didn't feel like going to a class, knowing that I'm going to be forced to look at him again. Abruptly the doors swing open as shoe click over the beige tiled flooring, along with loud chatters from multiple of conversations.

I quickly jump to stand on the toilet seat, knowing it was a disgusting idea to do so. I didn't want to get caught by some random guy wondering why the hell I'm crying in a restroom. Bad enough they'll laugh at me and tell the whole school.

It was a while until all the footsteps went away when the bell ring. My heart race since I never skipped class before and I don't want anyone to search for me. I got down onto the ground and my brain replays that scene in my head.

Everything is broken, nothing can be fixed now. I loved that boy and he didn't feel the same! My chest grew heavy with anxiety and anger as I kept thinking of him. All the memories that we shared circled my brain in a fast motion.

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