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I growled in annoyance as I was forced to shovel up some gravel for the elderly lady next door. Owen was being my supervisor so I don't "run off and hide". I hate him so much, why don't he help me instead of being a lazy ass and watch me!
I've been working around a lot during the last few days. I have to admit, I'm happy about going back tomorrow. I like being around Ashton, yeah he's girly and not usually the guy I go after but I kinda like him. When I mean 'like' him, I like him more than I thought I did.

Whatever on that.

The hot sun was making sweat trickle from my head, I turn to see if that dickhead was still supervising me; he was long gone. I went to take off my shirt so I could wipe my sweat and so that I could cool down.

"Just need to finish with that pile and you'll be done!"Owen's voice call from the elderly lady's porch.

I roll my eyes at him and continued on with the shoveling. I wished that he never met mum, we were doing perfectly fine before he came along! I look over to see his son slurping on a juice pouch and staring at me. Shouldn't that annoying kid be at school?

I swear, it's all a fucking show! Haha, I got suspended, now just watch me shovel this pile of gravel all by myself! It's so funny why not make me wear a clown suit along with it? I fucking promise myself that when I have enough money, I'm moving far away from this place as possible and not having any contact with my family.
That's my number one goal in life.

After that whole thing was done, I walk back to my house to take a shower. The sun was slowly setting as another day was almost over. Mum was preparing for dinner as I walk past her, her face grimace at my stench after being out there all day, sweating my ass off.

"Honey, you need to shower before dinner is done." she informs while stirring the pasta around in a pot.

"I know,"I tell her as I head straight to the restroom that I share with Jeydon half of the time.

After being under the hot water for ten minutes, washing my hair and body. I got out and wrap myself in a towel and headed to my room. I pull on a boxer, flannel pants, a ragged band tee and went to lay on my bed. The thoughts of coming back tomorrow made me annoyed with people at school. I will only be happy about coming back is because of Ashton.

I don't give a shit if people start laughing at me because I fought someone for Ashton. I defend the ones I care about. Yet pretty boy is already back at school, he's better be afraid of me since I'm not afraid of getting another suspension. Or fighting in Maccas parking lot.

I heard mum's voice calling that food was ready. I got up and went to the eating area and sat down in my original spot. Mum always kept two extra chairs around whenever my two older brothers bother to visit us.

Which I know is never since they're always busy with work and family. One is busy with work and his girlfriend. I know why they don't want to visit us since I'm still around and they don't like how I become. Sorry, I'm not that same old sixteen years old me with that weird fringe hair and lanky body.

They don't understand what I've been through. I've witnessed dad leaving us, I've witnessed dad hitting mum a few times, I've witnessed all the fights they had—a few times they were screaming at each other. I was always stuck in the room next to them, the thin walls don't do a great job of blocking out sounds.

And who was there to comfort me at those times? No one. Not even my own brothers since they were always working or over at their girlfriends of the time.

I have to bottle up my anger so that no one could see me falling. That's why when someone fucks shit up around someone I care about, I fight them to make them understand how it feels like. Also for the fun of it.

"Luke....you're not eating your meal..." mum's voice breaks me from my angered thoughts. I snap back into reality to see that the three of them were staring at me.

"After the long day of shoveling, I would eat some food to fuel you up."Owen state.

"I'm fine, I just got distracted,"I tell them as I start eating my meal. And to have them stop staring at me.

I finished my meal and everyone gave me their plates. Fucking great! I'm stuck doing this shit again! I had to scrub off all the plates, which took about four minutes.

I was feeling slightly tired so I went ahead to sleep to get this day officially done.

Wow, a bad update. I didn't really have anything in mind so I hope you enjoyed it! :-----)

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