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It was awkward to be back at school the following Monday; knowing the tension from all the drama from Friday is still in the air. The lunch table is kinda awkward now Micah is no longer going to be joining us. He's suspended from school for two days; Luke is four days which I think is bull.

We were sitting at the lunch table, discussing Luke and all that good stuff."You guys should just date already!" she exclaims. I was taken back by how she feels the same way as me.

"You really like him, never shut up about him. And I can kinda sense that he likes you back." she adds.

"But he's not gay!"I tell her."I don't want to ruin our friendship by telling him I like him when he doesn't feel the same! You know how awkward that would be?"

"I have evidence," she smiles." he only bites down on his lip ring when you are around, he never does that to any girls at this school. He makes you blush—"

"Alright, alright."I cut her off."I don't want to jump to conclusions."

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes in a playful manner."I can totally see you two together...not that I mention that earlier. But one of you two are going to be a man to admit their love."

"Nah, I'm totally patient,"

She gave me the look in return as I went ahead to eat my lunch. I'm not going to worry if Luke likes me or not, I just broke up with Micah on Friday! But I'm not certain about jumping into a new relationship, I don't know how Luke would treat me.

Would he treat me with respect? Would he treat me as if I was his prince? Would he care about my feelings? Bad thing is, I doubt that he's gay if he is—he's doing a great job on hiding it. I know he's not, he thinks of me as his friend. The only reason he got in that fight the other day was that he saw what happened and took matters into his own hands.

I could tell that people were still talking about it since rarely anything happens at this school. Maybe once in a great while, the rarest things involve a new student. So Luke is in the hot spot of the moment until it bubbles down.

I have to admit, I miss having him around. I do enjoy the conversations between us, I also enjoy admiring the beauty he has. How Oceanic his eyes are; the way you could get lost in them. How he smiles, which shows the dimples he has; how bright of a smile he has but never noticed. How his hair is styled and coloured; styled in the way he likes it and how he can pull off that colour.
I did notice how muscular he is; whenever he folds them across his chest you can see the muscles. Last but not least, how he can pull off all those tattoos he has all over his body. Some of them could tell a story; have a deep meaning to him that no one else would understand. Some would just be there for the sake of it; if he liked the design that was on the wall of the parlour.

To me, I think he's total perfection. He's different than what I usually like in a guy. I can feel that he's the guy that would bring excitement into my life; have my veins pump with fire and excitement of getting caught.

While other people see the bad, I can see the good in him. I can see that he's actually a good guy that likes going against authority.

I also admire how he's carefree with everyone's opinions about him. He doesn't care if people talk shit about him in his face. Like what he would say,"they can suck my ass".

I can go days of just thinking about him and not get bored. I always find myself just thinking about him at random times, if I was taking a test; he would appear in my mind.

Am I actually in love with him? I can't do that because I know he doesn't feel the same. I don't want to end up crushed when he tells me he doesn't feel the same or ends up dating a pretty girl.

The bell ring as it startled me out of my deep thinking, leaving me a small heart attack as I packed up and head to the next class.

I walk to the chemistry room as several people stared at me. I've been getting the same reaction the whole day; I'm not quite used to it. I went to sit in my seat as people around me murmur about Friday's event.

Sometimes I wish I could just speak my mind toward others and have them respect me. In reality, they would just laugh at me and call me names.

Instead of making the fight a huge deal, why don't we leave it in the past and carry on?

Sorry for short chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!! One more thing, I got my nose pierced Saturday! [2/20] ^~^

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