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[since you all want to see what Luke looks like^]

I walk into the English class and head to the back of the room. I sat down and got out my homework from last night. Something feels weird and I could feel a presence behind me; which I thought was very weird since I'm the only one in the back of the room.
I went to shrug it off since once every two months the principal would go to every classroom to see if the teachers are actually doing their jobs or slacking off.

Usually, I don't like that idea since I don't like having them breathing down my neck or watching my every move.

People were murmuring around me as I went to do what's on the board. I'm starting to get to that point where I don't really care that people are saying behind my back. Calling me a 'fag', 'sore loser', 'girly', 'freak', and so on.

The teacher starts the usual role call to see if any of us are missing. Which I think is very year one of her since we are seniors and think that she should know if we are here or not.
After she finishes the call, she stared at something behind me with a puzzled look on her face before asking,"And who are you?"

"Luke Hemmings," an annoyed voice inform from behind me.

All eyes were looking at the boy as I move my head to the left so that I don't look like a freak staring directly at him. Mine widen at his appearance since he is completely different than the other students at this school.
Mint blue hair; even though it looks faded like he dyed it several months ago, lip piercing that makes it more noticeable with his farmer tan, he has small yet visible black gauges. Tattoos on his collarbone and arms as he was wearing all black.

I had to look away since I didn't want to look stupid by gaping at him like he was from another planet. I had a visual of him in my head and noticed that he had the most piercing blue eyes I've ever seen. It's like you could get lost in them from looking at them for too long. His eyes are also stunning since it is the same colour as the ocean on a tropical island.

"Had you been in this class all year?" the teacher's voice snaps me out of my daydream.

"No I'm new here," he retorts."I've recently moved here."

I look around to see that the popular girls were blushing and giving him goo-goo eyes. All hell's going to break in a bit since they are going to bombard him with questions.

"Well, welcome Mr. Hemmings....I'm very happy to have you in this class."

"Great! We just need another emo kid at this school!" one jock protest in annoyance.

I heard him growl at him in response. I take it that you don't want to mess with him or he'll beat you up. Unlike the jocks, they think they can beat anyone up since they "rule" the school and shit.

Later in the lesson, I felt his eyes stare at the back of my head; in a polite way, I lean down so that he could see the board a lot easier than having my huge head block his view.

I think it's strange that a school would allow a student to be covered with tattoos and be okay with it. I think it suits him certainly well. I already have a feeling that he's going to be the next victim to the jocks by how he looks. Or where he's going to sit at lunch since at this school we have the typical cliques and its bullshit. I can feel the anxiety in the pit of my stomach.

The bell rang as I start heading to my next class, this time not stopping by any restrooms and making myself late. That's been my thing and I have a feeling that the History teacher hates me for that.

I went to sit in the back of the room and the new guy walks in, having everyone in the room fall dead silent. We made eye contact for a split second before he went to sit in the corner of the room. All eyes were on him as a couple of people start murmuring to each other about something.
The room suddenly sprung back to life a minute later.

I curiously turn to take a glimpse at him as he was biting on his lip ring. I look back at the board and gulp since I had to admit–that is really hot.

All the sudden a group of girls crowd around him; bombarding him with stupid questions. Leaving all the guys in the room giving each other blank stares; wondering what the hell just happened. I start feeling bad for him since he's new and has no idea who any of us are, and out of nowhere a huge group of girls starts crowding him.

I could partially see his face and it was covered with agitation; it was quite noticeable in my opinion.

The teacher walks into the room and the huge group of girls went back to their seats, some of them occasionally looking back at him. Now I know that he's a chick-magnet, and he's going to be hated by a lot of guys.

Later on in the day, I was sitting in my usual lunch table with Micah and Nona, along with her girlfriend Helene. To my surprise, the new guy easily got accepted into Nona's old table clique. That table clique is what I called the 'Tumblr table', everyone at that table looks like they came from Tumblr.
Even the main guy that wears that flannel and Nirvana shirt looks like he was born and raised from Tumblr.

"That's lovely how they easily replaced us with him."Helene flatly states with her voice dripping with sarcasm while eating her sandwich.

Nona glimpse back at the table and look at her,"Yeah, I wonder how he got into that table."

"It's probably because he's a rebel against society," Micah suggest while tearing up little pieces of bread and eating it.

"Ah yes, that's why he's there,"Helene responds while rolling her eyes.

"Don't easily judge him by the cover,"I state."we don't know if he's actually that bad. Some people with heavily tattooed bodies are actually good people. Besides, we don't know the guy. Or his background story."

"That's true," they mumble.

"At least he has somewhere to sit."Nona shrug while squinting one eye.

"For now,"Helene add to her response.

Micah went to hold my hand and I look over to see that the new guy was staring at me. I quickly look away so that I don't end up blushing at him.

In a pit of my stomach feels weird whenever I make a split second eye contact with him and I don't know why. It's a weird feeling that I somehow like.

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