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I was laying in bed, finishing up homework that's due on Monday since it is Friday. Suddenly my phone was going off, I shrug it off since it was possibly Twitter notifications from Tyler or Dan. After awhile I got annoyed with my phone as I went to see what was going on. I was really confused on the text messages since it was like a five year old texting for the first time.

I look closely and noticed they were from Luke. As I can tell, he need someone to take him home since he is drunk. That explains the weird text messages. I bite my lower lip, I have no way of getting him and I have no idea what pub he's at. I tried to get him to answer me about what pub he's at; so far it's been bad.

I went to get mum's keys since everyone is asleep at this moment. I got inside the driver side and automatically feel guilty for using her car without permission. But it is an emergency. I swear, the things I sacrifice for this boy.

Suddenly I realised that in this suburb, we have two pubs. If he isn't at one; he must be at the other.

I drive for a little bit before parking at a low-quality pub with flickering lights that haven't been fixed for years. Just steps from the front door, you can inhale the aroma of alcohol. The scent burn my nostril as I walk inside the place.

A lot of men were sitting around, laughing and slurring at each other; a few chugging down more beer. I cringe at the scene around me before turning back to my main mission. Suddenly I saw a figure that look familiar, leather jacket, broad shoulders, mint blue hair. That all equal Luke.

I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder, the body whip around nearly toppled over me."Hey Ashton!"he smile, his syllables slurring into each other.

"What are you doing here?"

"Picking you up, you don't deserve to be in here. I don't even know why you are choosing to do this to your liver."I tell him.

"I'm perfectly fine,"

"I'm taking you home, doesn't matter if you like it or not."I order. Then grab his wrist and pull him out of the pub.

"You're...pretty, you know that right?"he mumble, then giggle like a little girl.

"Thank you,"I answer him as I tried to buckle him up in the backseat. Doing that process is impossible, it's like trying to get a two year old to cooperate with you as you try to buckle them in.

"You look like a unicorn!"he giggle again, he tried to touch my hair and I swat his hand away from doing so.


"You have pink hair!"

I was going to correct him and tell him it's lilac but I knew he wouldn't understand. I shut the back door and went to the driver side. As I got back in, he starts giggling again.

"I'm dating a unicorn,"he sigh, I could hear a smile in his voice.

I silently chuckle at his response as I start driving."I don't want to go home!"he whine.

"Why not?"I ask while looking at his reflection on the rear-view mirror.

"Home is so boring! My parents hate me, they always fight; so what's the point of returning back? They'll yell at me for......for being....late."

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