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It was actually easy to break up with him. Along with an argument, so he's no longer apart of my life. I didn't even have to tell mum since she found out from Lauren; which surprised me since I didn't know how fast it would go around.

It was the day after the huge fight between him and Micah, I don't think Luke even let him have a chance to hit him. Just another casual Saturday with the sun beating down on me as I casually relaxed on a tree branch. I still haven't taken in the fact that I'm now single, no love life or a partner that would actually love me instead of snogging a girl behind my back the whole time.

I still couldn't believe that Luke got into a fight because of me. Never had anyone did that for me before. Micah never did that for me, but he was actually a nice person—or so I thought.

The breeze blew by, signalling that summer is in a mere month from now. I sit in this tree branch whenever I have a lot in my mind and I need to clear it. I look over and saw Luke's house, I still can't believe he's my neighbour.

It's still pretty weird that he's[from what I heard]suspended from school for three days. I wonder how his parents react to it, Mrs. Hemmings is a nice lady, but I can tell that she's protective and a little strict. That's what being a good mother is—mum is a phenomenal mother. Raising three kids on her own—no help. She took care of us all at once while still working at a company and providing us with a roof under our heads.

Suddenly I heard the back door opened,"You have company,"Harry's voice pops up, returning me back to reality as I look over at them."Okay,"I softly tell him before he went back inside. I went to look back at the horizon, hundreds of roofing visible from many different houses.

"Why are you up in a tree?"Luke's voice ask. I look down at him and my mind grew excited. He looks perfect under the sunlight, how he squints his eyes just to see me. His tiny nose all scrunched up in a cute way and his right eye twinkle under the sunlight.

"It's my go-to place whenever I have a lot in my mind,"I casually answer his question with a shrug.

"Mind if I join you?" he asks. I nearly fell off the tree once he asked me that. Luke Hemmings, the hottest guy in school, wants to sit in a tree with me?

"S-Sure,"I shrug, then felt stupid for stuttering.

I watched as he easily climbs up the tree without my assistant or help. After a minute, he got all comfortable sitting on the same tree branch as me. We were in the awkward silence again, it happens all the time–no matter the situation.

"How did your mum react to the suspension?"I ask him after the long moment of silence.

"Like how every mother would react, she was upset that I got suspended from my new school after just being in there for a month," he responds with a shrug.

"It still doesn't make sense,"I start, and went to look at him."What doesn't make sense?" he asked while raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why did you beat up Micah? And how did you know that he cheated on me?"

He flickers his tongue to play with his lip ring while thinking of something to say."I was there when I saw you catch him. I saw the pain in your eyes when you saw him kiss another person. It pissed me off to the point that I couldn't stand it, I had to release my anger somehow—plus I always hated him since my first day. I just...." he trailed off at the end.

I stare at him in order to understand what he's trying to say since I'm an oblivious person that doesn't get half of what's happening in his life.
Then finding out that he won't finish his sentence.

"I'm still in disbelief that someone would do that for me. Never had anyone fought for me."I tell him, breaking the silence that was lingering between us. Letting the breeze be the noise in our ears.

He stares at the ground before us while replying,"I'm taking a guess that your mum found out about the fight?"

"Yeah," I nod." she actually found out from Lauren."

"Who's Lauren?"

"My sister, you know the thirteen-year-old girl that's been around?"

He nods before asking,"How did Lauren find out?"

"I honestly don't know, I guess words got around a lot quicker than I thought."I imply with a shrug.

I found myself staring at the grass as I added,"Are you going to be okay with people teasing you about the fight when you return?"

"Like I said, I don't give a shit about people's opinion about me. They can laugh at me if they want, they're already lower than I am."

I gave him a smile in return since I'd never even thought about that. Maybe that's why I've been made fun of for the last few years. Maybe it's because they secretly like me but has a weird way of showing....it?

I stare out in the distance to find what else to talk about when I could feel him staring at me. I look over and was right, my face breaks into a huge smile as a small blush flourish my cheeks."What?"I giggle.

He starts playing with his piercing with his tongue while shrugging in response.

"Did your mum even allowed you to visit?"I suddenly ask him, curious about it.


"What are you going to do over the three days?"I ask, then felt bad for bombarding him with questions.

"Mum wants me to do chores and make sure everything is spotless. Owen wants me to be proactive and do community work; last time I checked, I'm not in jail." he rolls his eyes in annoyance.

I didn't know what to respond since it wasn't really any of my business in the first place. I just left that conversation be.

I got to admit, just having him appear to my house out of nowhere just makes my heart flutter. I don't know why he would even want to visit me, last time I was told that I was annoying as hell and doesn't know how to shut up.

It's nice to have him over again, instead of how it was the first time. I admit, I have a huge crush on him and sometimes I just want to yell it out—but I also don't want to ruin our friendship. I hate having this feeling with someone that is that attractive.

The feeling in my guts is really hard to ignore at some parts when I'm near him. It's in happiness and love. But I know that he doesn't feel the same; which is extremely sad.

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