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I was hanging with Calum as we were slyly stealing candy from the shelves of a local convenience store. We stuff some in our pockets along with the secret pockets inside my leather jacket. If we were to get caught, it would be me and I would let Calum run. I don't really care about getting caught since I've been doing this for a long time.

"Come on, the movie will start in a few," he whispers as I grab the lasts of the candy.

As we were done, we casually head out of the store like any normal customer would. Act innocent my brain ordered as we pass by the cashier that was counting change for the customer. We high five each other as we start heading to the movie theatre a few blocks from here on our skateboards.

When we got to the theatre, there was a long line of people waiting for movie tickets. Pffft, like we're going to pay twelve for two movie tickets. So we head to the side of the building, checking every five seconds if anyone was behind us. Calum cautiously opened the exit door which leads to the main lobby, again, checking to see if anyone was behind us.

We went in and casually bought some fountain drinks before heading back to pick what movie we wanted to watch. We ended up wanting to watch The Visit, we went in and sat in the back row for the more perfect view. The room was filled with silence at first since it was only the two of us; Calum went on his phone to pass time.

I casually look around at the area, the red and burgundy walls looked even darker under the dim lightings. The red seats are comfortable yet it's outdated, the dark floors are super gooey from years of people spilling their pops or candies and it being poorly cleaned up by the janitor. The air smells of buttered popcorn and hot dogs.

Voices were coming from the main lobby and a group of guys walks into this room. I hope that we don't get caught, my brain thought. Some of them were cute...I felt Calum smirking at me when he saw me looking at some of them.

"Hemmings want some of them?" he teases as I groan at him."Shut up you dick!"I whisper-shout at him.

People usually are surprised when they find out that I'm gay since I keep it a secret really well."You're getting nasty, stop biting your lip ring." he knows that it's a habit of mine when I see a hot guy.

I look away as my eyes flicker to the floor again. I do have a phone but it's at home, and it's an iPhone 4. Calum has a 5 and brings it everywhere with him. I would laugh that one day he'll drop it and ends up breaking.

"It sucks that you are moving schools," he said while scrolling through his Facebook. Bring up the conversation that I've been trying to ignore since the day mum told me.

"Yeah since Owen got a new job!"I tell him with sarcastic enthusiasm as I roll my eyes."And we have to move since it would be beneficial for a fresh start."I add with a mimicking voice that supposed to be Owen's.

Owen is my step-dad and I refuse to call him "dad" since he's not my dad and he'll never be one. He's a fucktard and I hate him, he's a reason now I have a younger half-sibling and having to move from my hometown.

"You must really hate him, at least you have a father figure in your life."

"He's not my father!"I quietly exclaim at him in an angry tone."He never will be,"

I went to grab the stolen candy from my pocket as I stew on each bite to get rid of the agitation that's buried deep in my chest.

Another five minutes flew by, several other people sat in different spots in the room as the lights slowly fade to darkness as the projector starts rolling the film on the screen.

After two hours the movie ended and some people were shaking in fear. Some were talking about how carefully they should watch their grandparents. I thought the movie wasn't that terrible, it was hardly scary; just mainly creepy. I threw the wrappers that Calum and I munch on during the movie in the trash.

"What should we do?" he asks me as we snuck out of the theatre."What shouldn't we do?"I turn the question to him.

"A lot of possibilities,"

"Then we'll do almost all that until we get caught or be super lucky."I casually shrug as we skate down the sidewalk.

We reached our destination down a trashed up alley filled with trash and art galleries of graffiti. We did some on the buildings before and never got caught, the sun was slowly setting above the horizon. Calum grabs out two spray cans as I gave him a smug smile.

We start doing some graffiti art, other people call it trash but whatever—fuck them. We were having a blast writing lyrics or words and doodling on the brick walls until we heard the wails of the police car.

"Shit," Calum said when the police caught us. We dropped the cans and raised our hands.

"Vandalising the city buildings is against the law, you know that right?" one cop informs me while handcuffing my wrist.

"Get in the back you two,"the other order us while shoving us in the backseat of the cruiser. This is my second time being back here from doing something illegal.

The cop starts driving us to the station."Alrighty, give us your names and age." the second cop demand while pointing a stylus at us; which I don't know why a cop would have a stylus with him.

I went ahead to go first."Luke Hemmings, eighteen years old."I sigh as I leaned back, but soon regret the idea since it pained my wrists."Calum Hood, eighteen years old." he said with sadness dripping in his voice.

The cop went to type it down on the computer and soon we arrived at the station."We'll contact your parents so that they can bail you out. Better be lucky this time boys, next time you'll be in here for awhile."

One of them unlocked the handcuffs from both of our wrists and lead us to a cell and closed it behind us. Some of the jailers stared at us, some grunt at us.
I went to sit on the bed; which is chained to the wall with a thin mattress as I stare at the cracked concrete ground.

What seemed like hours when mum and Calum's mum appeared right in front of the cell. Joy seemed very disappointed in Calum as mum sighed at me. I walked up to her since she signalled me to do so.

"This is why you are moving schools so that you don't end up like this Luke. I don't want this to be your future." she explains in a soft tone, not wanting to speak any louder since she didn't want anyone to listen in.

I look at the ground, even though I disrespect everyone, I still respect mum.

"You are free to go," one guard said while unlocking the cell door.

I follow behind mum until we reached to her grey Honda Civic. It was a quiet ride home and I don't even want to deal with Owen, not now, not ever.

Mum opens the front door as I walk to my boxed up room. The only thing that isn't in a box is my bed, a few clothes, and my computer.

Well, I'm going to deal with snobby people at my new school and I'm not going to like it.


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