Movie Night!

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This is written after the books ;) Hope you guys enjoy! I know I'll enjoy writing this because Malec is OTP!!!!
A/N isn't that pic just gorgeous!?
Alec POV

   I turned the flats door open with my key, and stepped inside. The room was dimly lit, probably because we were planning on watching movies. Magnus was sitting on the couch crisscrossed, a bowl of popcorn balanced in his lap. He was wearing a loosely fit magenta dress shirt, half of the buttons undone. His fuchsia Pyjama pants were eye catching. Magnus turned to look at me and smiled, and pat the couch inviting me to sit.

    "Why hello my darling, good to see you" he grinned. I sat down as he leaned in for a peck on my lips. He Ruffled his black glittery hair so that it stood up on its ends, the way he knows I like it.

   "Soooo what're we watching today?" I asked. I chose last week, so today I was in for a surprise. Magnus smiled mischievously and pulled out a blu ray, and on its cover there was a house with a thousand balloons tied to the top, an old man, a little Boy Scout and a dog.
(A/N sorry idk what the UP blu Ray really looks like) In uppercase letters it read UP. In tiny letters it said Disney. I rolled my eyes.

   "Why do we have to watch a stupid mundane children's movie?" I asked.

      "Alexander! Why, this movie is amazing, critically acclaimed!" Said Magnus waving his arms.

   "Okay there" was all I said. Soon the movie started and we cuddled up with Chairman Meow.

Magnus POV

   In about 10-15 minutes into the movie Alec had tears running down his cheeks. I grinned. Not such a tough shadowhunter now are you? I thought. He glanced over at me, saw my smile and slowly his face contorted into anger.

   "Magnus!? How in the name of the Angel could you be happy!? Carl's wife is dead! They lost their unborn child! The damn builders want to tear his house down!" He fumed.

    "Baby, it's okay, it's not real!"

      "Not real! Well then Magnus I cannot believe that you don't care about poor Carl!"

   I rolled my eyes as Alec turned back to fix his attention back to the screen.
A/N now I'm just going to narrate because I don't like it in their POV so sorry for all the POV changes lol

  And so Alec and Magnus sat and watched UP together, with Alec laughing, sometimes yelling in despair or getting completely frustrated. All while Magnus watched with amusement at his adorable boyfriends reactions. Soon the movie was over and Alec was once again crying; although this time he was crying tears of joy.

   "Oh Magnus... I loved it! And how Carl became a father figure in Russell's life!" Blabbed Alec.

    "Well I'm glad you liked it so much sweetums" chuckled Magnus.

     "One day, you and me can travel the world together, right Magnus?"

    "We already have though!"

   Alec laughed. "Oh, but not in our house, with around what maybe a thousand balloons attached to the top."

    "Hmm, I could probably make it possible with maaaaaaggiiiiic!" Exclaimed Magnus.

    "Wha- Magnus not actually! I mean I'd love to but b-" stuttered Alec. Magnus laughed softly and put his arms around his boyfriend.

    "Well, just tell me when your ready for our own adventure" he whispered.

ERRRGH I hope it's good, please follow me, comment and definitely vote!
   Magnus: Goodbye darlings!
    Alec: Uh bye... readers?
Ok bai my lovelies!

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