Alec the Girl (hehehe)

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  Hehehe in which Magnus accidentally turns Alec into a girl and shit happens...

  Magnus had the sniffles.

It was different for warlocks. Especially for extremely powerful warlocks like him.

When a warlock had the sniffles, his or her magic tended to get a bit, out of control. Whenever he sneezed, whoever the unfortunate person nearest to him was, would suffer some sort of magical altercation. Not permanent of course, but for the time being they had to deal with it. Usually, this person was Alec.

  Alec had calmly dealt with the pig ears, and the rash on his eye. And surprisingly enough, he quietly dealt with the warts on his-

  "Alec I don't think it's safe for you to be near me" said Magnus, interrupting the author. Sigh. The warts on his-

  "If your sick I'll take care of you, no matter what" said Alec, interrupting the author AGAIN. Ugh. What I was trying to say is, he quietly dealt with the warts on his p-

  "Alexander darling, as sweet as that is, I don't want you to go on suffering"
Magnus pouted. Grr! Never mind I guess you'll never know where those warts were. Author out. *author walks away with peace sign but comes back to finish story* guys just-just roll with it. I'm sorry for my weirdness.
Alec rolled his eyes.

  "Magnus I'm taking care of you and that's final." Suddenly Magnus' eyes darkened with lust. He jumped onto Alec's lap, and stared into his startled blue eyes.

  "Just how will you take care of me darling?" he growled. Alec was surprised for a second before catching on and responding with a fiery kiss. Magnus pulled away before looking at Alec with desire.
"Let's finish this in the bedroom"
Alec nodded and the two got up and went to the bedroom one after another. Alec slammed his lips against Magnus's, Magnus flailed for a minute before pushing Alec lightly onto the bed. Soon their clothes came off and the two had a passionate session except Magnus remembered sneezing in the middle of it. The two noticed no changes and continued on until falling asleep into the night.
  Alec screamed.
Magnus woke up to see a naked girl beside him, long black curtains of hair falling in front of her face. Magnus vaguely pondered on the thought that he may have slept with the wrong Lightwood, until a pair of shocking blue eyes peeked out at him. Magnus remembered last night, smirking, until he remembered he sneezed. Oh no.

  "Alec, sweet pea I think I might've done this..." he started. Alec looked over at him with wide eyes. Magnus was very aware of her breasts, as Alec was not covering them at all. Alec looked down at himself, and then seemed to look away, blushing.

  "Wrong parts. Shouldn't look" he heard her mutter. Magnus leaned over and put his hand on the small of her back.

   "Alec" he said softly, "those are your parts." Alec winced and got up suddenly.

  "Breakfast. I need breakfast. Gosh Magnus do you remember where you threw my underwear last night?" she asked with her hands on her hips. Magnus stared. It has been a long time since he'd seen a naked woman's body, and the fact that it was Alec's was like a bonus. He shook his head slightly and Alec turned around and bent down. Magnus looked away.

  "Dammit!" exclaimed Alec. Magnus looked over to see him struggling with his jeans, wearing his boxers loosely "it won't fit" he hissed. Magnus suppressed a grin.

  "Alec I think we're going to have to go to your sister about this."

  Alec looked up horrified. "NO. She'd never let me hear the end of it." Instead, Alec picked up a large shirt and put it on. Her breasts and nipples poked through, very noticeable.
"Ugh. How am I supposed to go out in public like this?"

   "That's why we go to Izzy. For a bra. And female underwear" Magnus explained. Alec rolled his eyes. "I'll take that as a yes." Alec pulled a sweater on top of his shirt and Magnus put some clothes on. The two got on the subway and awkwardly sat together, Alec uncomfortable in his new body, Magnus simply amused. They arrived at the institute and Alec entered. Isabelle came downstairs and stopped dead when she saw Alec.

  "Magnus Bane how dare you dump my brother for this, this chick!?" she gestured toward her brother..sister? Alec looked at her.

  "Izzy. It's me. Remember when we were little and you told me what you wanted to be when you were older?"

  Izzy's eyes widened. "Okay I believe you-"

  Alec smiled evilly. "You wanted to be mermaid and swim away with Ariel."
Magnus had never seen Isabelle Lightwood blush before. Immediately that blush became a grin.

   "So. How come you're  female?" she asked casually.

  "When warlocks are sick their sneezes magically alternate the person nearest to them.  And as you can see-"

  "Your sneeze alternated Alec. Ha! That's hilarious!" she laughed. "Jace!"
she called, causing Alec to blanch, "come check Alec out!"
Jace ran downstairs before bursting out laughing with his sister. The two stood there laughing at their new "sister" Alexandra Lightwood, and how she came to be.

  "It's not funny" said Alec crossing his arms. Jace nodded.

  "This is definitely funny. This is the dictionary definition of funny" he wheezed. Alec rolled his eyes.

  "The only reason I came here is cause Magnus said I had to get female undergarments and you were the only one with them!"
Isabelle stopped laughing.

  "Alright then. Follow meeeeeeee!" Alec rolled his eyes as he and Magnus followed after her, Jace laughing but going to the kitchen instead.
Isabelle walked into her room, and pulled out a blue lacy bra and matching panties from a drawer. Their was still a tag on them, and they were never worn.

  "I wanted to wear these, but after I bought them I lost them and never bothered to look" she said, explaining why she had the extra undergarments laying around. Alec gingerly took them and shooed everyone out. Soon though, Isabelle and Magnus heard cussing on the other end.

"Isabelle come in here and help me put this, death trap on" he called. Isabelle winked at Magnus.

  "I'll be back" she said, before disappearing behind the door. 20 minutes later, Izzy and Alec emerged, and Magnus' jaw dropped. Alec was wearing a pretty turquoise dress that came up to her knees, that had a low V cut and her hair was pinned up in a bun. She had a green cardigan on, and was wearing silver sparkly sandals.
"I've always wanted to play dress up with a sister, thanks Magnus!" she pushed Alec out the door. "Go enjoy your new rockin bod big bro!" she exclaimed, before turning around and shutting the door. Magnus grinned.

  "Shall we?" he said, extending his arm. Alec took it gratefully before sighing.

  "I feel suffocated with this bra, caked with the makeup and on top of that these sandals are so hard to walk in!" she complained. Magnus smiled as they made the landing and turned to see Clary and Jace making out. Alec cleared her throat.
Clary, startled looked up at the two and looked even more confused.

  "Hi Clary!" said Alec in her high pitched voice. Jace leaned over and whispered in her ear. Clary grinned.

  "Hey Alexandra!"
Alec gave her death glare before she and Magnus stepped out, exploring New York in her new body.


Should I do a part two? I think I should do a part two. This was a long one though! Hehe I feel like Alec would have an amazing/perfect figure that Izzy would be jealous of. Magnus doesn't seem to mind though hehehe. Please vote and comment. Bai my cuties!

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