The Bachelor Party

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Soo.... To answer @shdwhntrgirl's question which was: how do I come up with these ideas?
Well, you see, I have a hard time falling asleep. And so to help myself out, I imagine things such as Harry Potter, Renji Obrai and of course MALEC!!!! So I lay around and imagine things until I get an idea I really like and decide to write it! Another thing is that sometime I take real life things or cliche things and MALEC them up. And lastly, I daydream a lot in class and in general and me and my friends like to discuss one shot ideas together. I hope that was a satisfying answer!
This is Alec and Magnus's bachelor party.. Enjoy!

"A bachelor party? But why?"

"Because you're getting married Alec, and every man gets a bachelor party."

In the Bane and Lightwood household, Isabelle and Alec were already fighting, much to Magnus's dismay. He grumpily slid on some underwear and jeans, not bothering to put on a shirt, and was about to tell them to shut the hell up when he heard what the conversation was about.

"....and I'm sure Magnus would love to have a bachelor party so you have to agree!"

"I second that!" said Magnus as he popped his head out the doorway, the rest of his body appearing in a moment. Isabelle Lightwood beamed while Alec slouched his shoulders and shook his head.

"Not you too!" he moaned grumpily. "And I don't see why I need one so badly!?" he exclaimed. Isabelle crossed her arms.

"Allleeeecc. You have to have a bachelor party because Jace, Simon, Clary and I already planned one out and booked everything. So yeah, there's no getting out of it now" she explained. Alec rolled his eyes while Magnus clapped his hands in glee.

  "Ha ha! I hope there's a lot of glitter!"
he squealed. Izzy nodded feverishly.

  "Glitter, open bar and a surprise!" she said, counting everything off on he fingers. Magnus jumped up and down while Alec looked on, annoyed.

  "I can't wait for my surprise!" he said giddily.

  "Our surprise" corrected Alec. Isabelle and Magnus rounded on him. "What?" he shrugged. "If I can't talk you out of it might as well accept it."

Stars scattered the sky and the moon zoomed past as Alec and Magnus sat blindfolded in the back of Simon's van, wondering where the hell they were going. Isabelle refused to tell them what was going on, just reassured them that they weren't being kidnapped, and promptly blindfolded them before pushing them into the backseat of the van.

Magnus was dressed in snazzy silver skinny jeans, and was wearing his black tee that said "blink if you want me" in sequins, to commemorate the day he and Alec had first met, and this was also the shirt he had lent Alec on their first date. Alec was wearing a tight black tee shirt, and faded ripped up jeans so shredded be felt naked in them. He knew it had been a mistake to let Magnus dress him but he had decided on the shirt, whereas Magnus had planned on him wearing a deep blue shirt that Magnus proclaimed "made his eyes pop more" and that it "made his arms look incredible". Alec had disagreed, and pulled on the black one instead.

They arrived, and were let out the car (still blindfolded) towards who knows where. Alec heard Izzy excitedly talking with Clary, and Simon laughing at something Jace had said. He was aggressively pushed into a room, which made him exclaim "ow!" loudly before his blindfold came off and the lights turned on.

Magnus inhaled loudly at where their friends had taken them. The club was big and spacious, brightly lit and there were hundreds of other bodies in the room, grinding on one another as the loud music pumped in their ears. There was a large open bar at the corner of the room and a giant stage in the centre of the room with poles built on it.

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