An Irrational Fear

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Update: I'm pissed. This whole chapter got deleted and now I have to re write it.. GRRRRAAAHHHHH >:(

  It was raining outside. Raining cats and dogs, one might say. It was raining like there was no tomorrow. And so, as the thunder boomed, lightning flashed, Magnus Bane sat in his flat, drinking his chai tea waiting for his lover to come home.

   Alec was off fighting a demon, presumably, and Magnus felt like one of those war time wives, waiting for their husbands to come home safe and sound. He knew he was being overdramatic, but that's what made the waiting fun. As Magnus quietly sipped his tea, a certain Shadowhunter unlocked the door, and stood in the doorway, soaking wet. Magnus jumped up, his cup magically floating beside him.

  "Alexander! You are drenched! I understand that as you're  fighting a demon you cannot use one but at least when you are walking home you could use an umbrella!" he exclaimed. Alec made his way toward the bedroom, pausing in the doorway to look at Magnus. Behind him was a trail of small water droplets, and already at his feet tiny puddles were forming.

  "What umbrella?" he asked before slipping in. After a moment when he slipped out Magnus scowled at him.

  "What do you mean "what umbrella?!"
I packed you an umbrella last time I helped you prepare for a hunt! You've had an umbrella with you since February, and I know you knew it was with you because I heard you groan about it once. So tell me Alexander, why didn't you use it?" he questioned. Alec rolled his eyes and flopped onto the couch beside Magnus.

  "Look I don't like umbrellas okay" was  all he said before switching on the television. Suddenly Magnus realized something.  Whenever it was really hot outside, Alec would always swerve out of the way of an incoming umbrella. Or if it was raining even on days like this one, he refused to use one. When they were at restaurants, on an outdoor patio or something, he'd always be uncomfortable underneath an umbrella. The way he winced when someone opened one, a slight movement only Magnus seemed to catch. He not only disliked then, he was afraid of umbrellas.

  "Alec?" whispered Magnus softly, leaning over towards the other boy. Alec looked at him with large eyes.

  "Yes?" he answered wearily.

  "Are you afraid of umbrellas?" he asked. Alec shook his head ferociously and stood up.

  "No way!" Alec exclaimed. "No way whatsoever! Why would a big, tough Shadowhunter like me be afraid of a petty little thing like that?! I-I uh, can't  believe you'd think something like that Mags! I'm going to the kitchen, at least the food doesn't jump to stupid conclusions" he muttered, and made his way through the hall.

  Magnus smirked to himself. He's totally afraid of them, he thought before snapping his fingers and eagerly waiting. Then, he heard an earsplitting shriek (not very manly, mind you) and got up when he heard Alec shout "MAGNUS BANE I'LL KILL YOU!". He made his way over to the kitchen and popped in and placed a hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Yes?" he asked innocently. Alec glared at him.

"Don't try to act innocent around me! Look-look at the hell you've created!" he gestured to the room. Everywhere, on the ground, was umbrellas. Opened or closed, sprawled on the floor like a trap, seemingly annoying to anyone else, but terrifying for Alec.

"If you aren't afraid of them, make your way through them" he said, smiling evilly. Alec gave him a death glare once again.

"I-I can't okay! I just-I just can't!" he said, flailing his arms. Magnus moved his hand to cup his cheek.

"Sweet pea, just admit it, you're afraid of umbrellas" he whispered. Alec grimaced. "Either that, or you can face your fear and make your way through these, to the coffee maker" added Magnus. He saw the stubborn glint in Alec's eye, and hoped he'd admit it, but was unsuccessful.

"Fine I'll do it" he said, crossing his arms. He stepped over into a clear patch, his chest rising and falling quickly, his body not brushing against them at all. "There. See? Easy." he said, shrugging. Once again he stepped into a free-of-umbrellas patch and took a deep breath. He glanced over at Magnus, who was once again drinking tea. He leaned forward, and as his foot was about to touch ground, he accidentally stepped on a closed umbrella. It shot open and Alec screamed. He threw his arms up in the air as he ran back to Magnus, collapsing in his open arms and shivering.

"Okay, okay fine" he said in a croaky voice. "I am afraid of umbrellas. I'm ashamed of it though so don't tell anyone!" he hissed, still shaking in Magnus's arms. "By the Angel, that scared the shit out of me when that demon trap opened up" he breathed. Magnus chuckled.

"I won't ask you why you're so afraid of umbrellas if you don't want to tell me" he said, dipping his chin and placing it on Alec's head. "But really. Umbrellas?" he asked mockingly. Alec raised his head to scowl at him, but Magnus bent down and kissed him fiercely. Once the broke apart, Magnus whispered:
"To be honest, I'm afraid to be seen without makeup on. The mere thought terrifies me."

Alec looked incredulously at him. "But I think you look beautiful with or without makeup on" he whispered. "Tell you what, I'll walk around with an umbrella the whole day, if you go the whole day without makeup on" he said, stepping out of Magnus's arms. Magnus stared at him like he was speaking gibberish.

"No way! No no no no never in a million years! Literally" he added, shaking his head, glitter spraying everywhere. Alec pouted.
"Pwease?" he said adorably, making Magnus's heart melt.

  "Oh fine. But only because you are so adorable and that shirt looks amazing on your arms" he said, bopping Alec's nose before kissing him gently. Once they broke apart, Alec looked at Magnus with dark eyes, lust settling in.

  "So it's settled then" he whispered, before going back in for a head swimming kiss.

  The sun was shining brightly outside, and Alec hesitantly held out his hand to grasp the handle of the umbrella handed to him by Magnus. Magnus was scowling, his face completely makeup free, and he was not happy about it.

  "Not even just a natural look?" he whined. Alec stared at him.

   "You look beautiful" he breathed, blinking his dark lashes. Magnus's mouth slightly quirked up at this, and he hugged Alec tightly.

   "You can do this" he whispered into his hair. Alec broke apart and smiled slightly.

  "I hope so."

He got the umbrella, and the two walked hand in hand down the stairs and out the door. The sun blared down on them, and Alec worriedly opened the umbrella, wincing slightly and holding it out away from his body. Magnus placed a hand on his shoulder. Alec nodded and put the umbrella over top his head. They began to walk again, Alec heaving, and Magnus absent mindlessly touched his face once every so often. Alec noticed this, and gently put his arm down.

  "Your beauty deserves to be noticed Mags" was all he said, before starting down the street again.

  And so, on that day, Alec and Magnus both faced their biggest fears, and eventually conquered them. Both of them proud, they were able to confidently do these things (Magnus only at home) and smiled as they realized that together, they could overcome anything.


By the Angel, I am SOO so sorry for the delay I chapters. This chapter got deleted TWICE before this final project, and I tried making it extra long to make up for it. Pwease fohgive me! Bai my darlings!
Oh and don't forget to comment and vote hehehe


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