Authors Note

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^^^^^My reaction when I saw how many reads this story has

Jesus I never thought that this story would get this far. I remember thinking this story would probably be never read, and thinking I'd probably end up deleting this. Oh was I wrong.

Thank you all so much for the support, I'd like to say that if it weren't for you guys is probably be sad and well depressed. But I've made so many friends on here and like I think the TMI fandom is probably one of the most tight knit and family like. We are all so inviting and accepting (if your not then your not part of the fandom) and we all got each others backs even though we don't know each other. We're all shadowhunters, all across the globe together forever, having each others backs and saving the world from demons. But yeah, thanks for reading this book and being your awesome self cuz we all need your presence in the world, you're here for a reason! Ok ok I've rambled enough. Bai my cutsie wutsies!

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