Training For Mags

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Ha. Got the idea for this while shovelling dog shit and listening to the MALEC anthem.
Okayyyyy lets begin

Magnus was slammed against the wall of the club, the werewolf leaning over him menacingly.

"Say something sarcastic one more time fag" he growled, making Magnus smirk.

"Okay. Your breath smells like dog breath, not that that's surprising" smirked Magnus, pinned underneath him.

"Why you little! I'm going to kill you!"

"Not on my watch."
The werewolf spun around and Magnus turned his head to the familiar voice. Alec was standing in the alleyway, crossbow raised. "I wouldn't do anything if I were you" he said menacingly. The werewolf's gaze faltered as he saw the runes on his body. He stepped away from Magnus and scampered off. Alec rounded on Magnus.

"Really? You just had to tell him that you spotted fleas in his fur when he scratched himself?! Or right now when you told him he had dog breath!?" he shouted. Magnus shrugged.

   "He asked for it" he said simply.
Alec rolled his eyes.

  "Mags, this isn't the first time you've gotten yourself into a situation like this. Either you need to stop being so sarcastic and loud, or you can get get some training at the Institute" Alec said, annoyed but concerned at the same time. Magnus contemplated for a minute.

  "Training it is. I simply cannot bare to think what I might be like if I weren't so sarcastically witty" Magnus said in a dramatic voice. Once again, Alec rolled his eyes.

  "Oh Magnus. You and your sexy dramatic self" he said, before pulling him into a heated kiss, the two forgetting about their argument in the feeling of their soft lips against one another. Magnus's legs wrapped around Alec's waist, pulling him closer to him and making the kiss hotter. The feeling of Magnus's lips, gentle and caressing on his, made Alec go crazy. His hands knotted in Magnus's hair, and the two wildly kissed, about to take it farther when they heard the familiar cocky voice of Jace come from behind them. (#cockblock lol sorry I had to)

  "There they are, and look, they're feeling each other up in the alley!" he exclaimed. The two hastily broke apart and saw that Izzy, Simon and Clary had come out of the club looking for them. Alec dusted himself off and Magnus looked at them all with narrowed eyes.

   "I don't understand, Alexander, why your family has to constantly interrupt our intimate sessions!?" he said, annoyed. "Well. I guess I shouldn't complain. Sheldon didn't see us that one time in the storage room of the Apple Store-"

"MAGNUS!" hissed Alec, scandalized. He blushed as the rest of the group looked disgusted, and Magnus looked smug.

"It's Simon" said Simon quietly. Alec shot him a glare while Magnus rolled his eyes.

"Whatever Skippy, let's just get home now shall we?" suggested Magnus, and the scowling Shadowhunter's (except for one) went home. Magnus turned to Alec.

  "Let's continue this at home, shall we?" he asked, before pulling Alec behind him and hailing for taxi to get home.
{M} {A} {L} {E} {C} > 3 <
Magnus arrived at the Institute, Alec already there an hour earlier. He grinned as he entered, strutting down the hallway getting a thumbs up from Izzy, a raised eyebrow from Jace, a high five from Simon and a burst of laughter from Clary. He entered the training room to find Alec not facing him. He spun around with a smile on his face that was quickly replaced with shock at Magnus's eccentric appearance.

  "Like what you see?" grinned Magnus. Alec simply stared at Magnus, taking in his outfit. Magnus was wearing a neon yellow tight fitted muscle tee, and paired with it neon pink tights, hugging his body leaving nothing to the imagination. He was wearing a flashy pair of Nike runners that, were also neon green. Glitter stuck to him everywhere, coating his eyelids and his hair, and here and there on his outfit. His makeup was purple eyeshadow, lined with silver eyeliner. Magnus put his hands on his hips and smiled at Alec. "I'm ready to train!" he exclaimed happily. Alec's mouth shut with a snap and he shook his head.

  "Okay then" was an he said. First, he taught Magnus some hand to hand combat. This was going well until Magnus decided he was bored, and pinned Alec against the wall and licked his ear, murmuring dirty things to him until Robert walked in, yelled at the two for not focusing and then stepped out.  Alec, flushed, then decided it was time for knife throwing. He directed Magnus's arm and showed him how to aim and throw it steadily. Magnus first missed the target largely, but after a bit more practice his blows ended up closer to the large red circle. At this Alec congratulated him happily, and ended up dropping a knife. He was about to pick it up, when Magnus bent down suggestively, his bright tights hugging his gluteus, causing Alec to blush. Magnus was about to take it further when they heard a giggle from the doorway and the two looked up to see Isabelle laughing.

  "A+ seducing skills Magnus" she wheezed before leaving the two alone again. Alec then decided to teach Magnus some sword skills. After teaching him the basics, the two had a small fight until Magnus cut himself on the blade.

  "Ow ow! My finger!" he hissed, sucking on his pointer finger. Alec rushed over to him in a second, and pulled his hand toward him.

  "Does it hurt?" he whispered worriedly. Magnus smiled a bit at this, but Alec didn't catch it.

  "Yes, will you kiss it better?" he pouted. Alec raised the finger to his lips, when suddenly they heard a snicker come from the door. They saw Jace, leaning on the frame, chuckling  at the two.

  "Get back to training you two, Magnus can heal himself" he said, before walking away. Alec glared at Magnus, and Magnus quickly healed himself. Next, Alec taught Magnus balance. The two were on the high beams, before Magnus lost his footing. Alec rushed up to help him but ended up tripping on Magnus's foot, and the two fell on the ground. Magnus was on top of Alec, and took the opportunity to grab his wrists and push him down, his groin hovering over Alec's. Alec was blushing madly, and Magnus lowered himself to kiss him...

  "Get up you two! Alec don't make me replace you as his tutor!" shouted Maryse. Alec and Magnus scrambled to their feet as Maryse shook her head and walked away, her heels clacking on the wood. Alec glared at Magnus.

  "Magnus!" he said in an exasperated voice. "All you've accomplished today is embarrassing me in front of my family! All you've tried today is to try to get in my pants! Please Magnus! I'm making you do this for your safety because I care about you and I want you to be able to defend yourself without magic just in case!" be exclaimed, letting it all out. Magnus just looked at Alec. "I'm sorry Mag-" he started sheepishly but Magnus shook his head.

  "No" he said. "I'm the one at fault here. Now, let's train for real now shall we?" he implied, and the two got to work.
"Where's your little Shadowhunter to protect you now warlock?" growled the very same werewolf from the other day.  Magnus shrugged.

  "Um, I believe he's eating Pad Thai in there at the moment, how bout I go join him?" said Magnus, starting to go inside but the werewolf pushed him against the wall.

"Not so fast faggy, I'm gonna finish you today" he murmured, his fangs and claws popping out. Magnus grinned at him.

"You can try to" he said, before flipping the wolf over and putting a magical barrier between them. He then set the wolfs pants on magical blue fire, and he watched in amusement as the Downworlder ran around in circles, butt scooting on the ground, trying to get the burning flames off him. Alec and other people from Downworld came out to see what the commotion was. Alec stepped forward and put a hand on Magnus's shoulder. They smiled at each other.

"Looks like all that training paid off then" smiled Alec. Magnus spun him s that their faces were only millimetres apart.

"Let's not let the other training go to waste then" he whispered before closing the little gap between them and swallowing Alec's tiny gasp with his mouth, forgetting their other training but certainly remembering this one.


WHEW. What a long one. Inspiration for this comes from the guy at the gym wearing the same shirt as Magnus. Thanks random guy! Please vote and comment. Bai my beauties!

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