Quavon: 16

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" Come on. You have to be a little quicker than that young blood. " Sanchez teased.

I dribbled the ball in front of him trying to find a way to fake him to shoot the ball. The score was now 24 to 20 between us. I personally feel like he been cheating the whole time. We decided to just have a little one on one game for some intimate time. I quickly rushed past him running to the net to shoot. He jumped up and smacked the ball away from the net. I ran to grab it, but he smacked it away from my hands bouncing it toward his net.

" No fair. " I said, running behind him to block his shot.

" You lost this one. " He smirked, using his wrist motion to sink the ball through the net.

I rolled my eyes and walked right over to the bench to sit down. He followed behind me and took off his sweaty shirt. I bit the side of my lip lustfully turning my head away. "You need to put your shirt back on." I laughed.

He stood next to me wiping all of his sweat with his shirt. " Why you don't like my natural musk? "

" Nope. You ain't got it like that. " I blushed, low key.

" The kid has you smiling though. " He nudges me a bit playfully. " Come on let's go to the bridge and chop it up. "

" I'm for it. " I nod following his lead. I grab all my stuff and walk behind him to cross the bridge to the sitting area of the park. We walk over to the tables and place our stuff on top of it taking a seat.

" I'm hot. " I say, fanning myself.

" Want one of my bottled waters? " He asks, already reaching in his bag to hand me a bottle.

I take the bottle from his hand. " Thank You. "

" I told you I was going to beat you at another game. " He says, sitting forward.

" I wasn't playing to my full ability. " I scrunch my eyebrows looking off.

" Yeah. Yeah. If you say so. " He waves me off. " But where is your friend? Del really liked him. "

I turn my head in confusion. " Considering how that initial meeting went I wouldn't count on too much more occurring. "

He kisses his teeth. " That was on y'all part. We were cool until ol'dude them came. "

" I do want to apologize for that. They were out of line. "

He shakes his head. " No apologies needed. I wasn't threatened. What's the history with y'all though. I sensed something. "

" What you saying? " I laugh. " You couldn't have sensed anything because there wasn't anything there. We are just cool. "

" So you lying now? " He straight faces me and pouts out his lip. " You and the kid used to talk.Well one of them anyways. "

" If you think so Chez. " I smirk knowing he was fishing for info. " Enough about them. What about us? "

He takes his bottler water and twists the cap off taking a swig. " How you feel about me? "

" I like you. A tad bit. " I answer bringing my index finger and thumb together.

" I know you like me. I'm saying like what you think about me being DL and we going to rivals schools and shit. "

" Oh. " I look off then back to him. " I think you're cool. I mean I'm DL too only because right now I'm not trying to deal with no crazy shit while we still in school. As for the rivals school shit I wouldn't stress about it. I don't see you as somebody who goes to an opposite school. I see you as someone who I could fuck with heavy. "

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