Chapter One

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[A/N: So I'm not sure about a lot of things in Gatlinburg because I've only ever been there like once, so bear with me. Also, I know some things about Austin Abrams and the other cast members aren't really true in this, but oh well. They will be for this story.]

May 31st 

Summer Day 1

"Psst. Poppy. Hey Poppy. Wake up." My best friend Kaylin says while jabbing me in the arm with her finger. I groan in response. "Don't make me get the water." She whispers evilly causing me to jolt up and fall off her couch. "Your floor smells really nice." I mumble, sniffing the carpet, I know she rolled her eyes. "I would like to get to the cabin early ya know." Slowly, I sit up. "Right. I forgot about that." I mutter, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. 

We're going to Gatlinburg for the next 4 weeks since it's summer vacation. I'm pretty excited, I've never really been on vacation before other than when I was like 5 and I barely remember that. 

Elliot, our other best friend who's also going on the vacation with us, walks in Kaylins room. "Are you guys almost ready? We have to leave in like 30 minutes." Elliot is a big time keeper. He hates being late, so he's the one in charge of making sure we get to places on time. 

I let out another groan before standing up and grabbing my clothes out of my overnight bag. "I'll be right back." I mumble and head to the bathroom across the hall. I put my bra on and pull my grey ying yang galaxy shirt on over my head followed by a pair of blue jeans. I throw my hair into a braid and apply a small amount of concealer to my face. It's going to be really hot outside today and I honestly don't feel like having eyeliner and mascara running down my face. 

When I'm finished getting ready, I realize I spent at least 30 minutes in there, mainly trying to get my braid to work but whatever. Elliot sighs out of relief and runs to the bathroom. "He really had to pee." Kaylin shrugs, probably scrolling through Instagram. "Couldn't he of used the downstairs bathroom?" I ask sitting in her beanbag chair. "Dad was showering." "Oh." Was all I could say. 

The next 30 minutes flew by quickly. We all dragged our suitcases out to the car. "Wait, guys get in the picture." Kaylin says before either of us can get in the car. I groan. I absolutely hate pictures. I make a weird face as does Elliot, and she takes the picture. I hate smiling in pictures too, it's always so awkward. She sighs but uploads it with the caption 'Gatlinburg with the squad'. 

"You guys are lame." She mumbles while climbing into the car. "But you still love us." I grin, following in behind her. Elliot walks over to the other side and gets in. "Yeah I know." She grabs the aux cord and plugs it into her phone. "WHO'S READY TO GET TURNT UP?" She yells, causing her parents to both groan. "Not too loud, Kay. Please." Kaylin's smirk widens. "It will stay on 50." As soon as the music starts we all start singing along to Lane Boy by Twenty One Pilots. 

An hour later after 2 break stops, and a lot of traffic, we arrive at the cabin with 5 minutes until 11. We all grab our suitcases and bags out of the trunk of the jeep and head inside. Luckily it's a four bedroom cabin. "Elliot, your room is to the right, next to the bathroom. Kaylin, you remember where your room is right?" Kaylin's mom asks and she nods. "Across from Elliot's." "And Poppy, your room is next to Kaylins." I nod and we all go to our rooms to put our stuff down. 

My room's kind of cool I guess. It has a couch and a bed, closet, chest of drawers, tv, the basics ya know. I unpack my suitcase, which surprisingly doesn't fill up the closet. That took about 20 minutes, and then I'm done. I walk into the kitchen to find Elliot and Kaylin eating cereal. "Hey, did you guys wanna go to Dollywood tomorrow?" Kaylin's dad asks walking in. We all share the same look and then nod. 

"What if we saw a bear?" Kaylin asks, looking at the two of us, her hazel eyes wide with excitement. "That'd be cool I guess?" I say, not really sure if it would be cool or terrifying. Where did that question even come from? "A pet bear would be cool, like Smokey the bear. Ooh, I want a Smokey the bear shirt." She grins. 

After a few minutes of silence after her bear outburst, Kaylin speaks up."So what do you guys want to do?" She asks, looking outside towards the lake. "Do you still have the boat?" Elliot asks. "Yeah. But I don't know how to drive it, and I don't have a boating license." He sighs. "We really should've planned out what we were gonna do." We all agree. 

"Do you guys want to go with us to get groceries?" Kaylin's mom asks, slinging her purse onto her shoulder. "Yeah sure." 

The ride into town isn't that long, so we all decide to go. We get there in about 20 minutes and park up close to the store. 

The three of us split up from Kaylin's parents, and instantly go to the frozen foods aisle. We scan the aisle until we find totino's pizza, pizza rolls, and stouffer's mac and cheese. The three necessities of life. We each grab a bunch of boxes of each item and throw them in our basket. 

We walk down each aisle, throwing things we want into the basket, and trying to find Kaylin's parents. Out of nowhere, my phone starts ringing. My ringtone blares, and I'm sure people in Canada can hear it. My face starts glowing red. Why haven't I changed my ringtone? It's the Carl Poppa song thing, and I've still not changed it. 

"Hello?" I ask, once I find my phone from my back pocket. "Oh yeah hi mom. Yeah, we're here. I meant to call, I just lost track of time. Right, yeah, tomorrow we're going to Dollywood. Uh huh. I will, don't worry. Mom, I'm 16 I don't need to be reminded to wear sunscreen. Ugh okay, I'll wear it. Not like It'll work anyways. Yeah yeah. Love you too, bye." 

I shove my phone back in my pocket and my friends smirk at me. "Did mommy say you have to wear sunscreen?" Kaylin says in a mock baby voice. I roll my eyes. "Yes." I mumble and they both laugh. 

Time slipped by pretty fast, we got here at like 2, and now it's 6. Eventually, we find Kaylin's parents and check out. They weren't phased by our grocery choices, but the cashier eyes us weirdly. "Throwing a party?" She asks, scanning each item. Pfft, us and parties don't mix. The 3 of us share the same look. "No. We just wanted balloons." Kaylin says awkwardly looking to her parents for help. They ignore their daughter and push the buggy out to the car with us following. 

"Why did we think buying a bag of 100 balloons would be a good idea?" I ask, taking the balloons out of the grocery bag and handing them to Kaylin. Right now, the three of us are sitting on her bed with candy and balloons. "Because, it is a good idea." Elliot says in a duh tone. "True." I take a blue one and attempt to blow it up, only to fail miserably. "You'd think after 5 years of playing the Clarinet I'd be good at this." I mumble, failing again at blowing up a balloon. 

"Ew don't even mention that." Kaylin groans. "What?" I ask. "The clarinet. It's summer break, band is like school. We do not talk about school on break. Oh gosh, what if we saw someone from school while on break? Ugh." Kaylin groans even louder, tieing up a balloon and flinging it at Elliot. "Why would anyone go to Gatlinburg over the summer if they live in Knoxville? They could literally go to the beach." I tell her and she shrugs. "True, but with our luck it's bound to happen." I pull out my phone and sigh. "It's late. We should probably sleep." I tell them and they both sigh too. 

Everyone goes back to their rooms and I lay down on my bed and slowly fall asleep listening to frogs or whatever is out there in nature.


A/N: Hi. I don't really know how I feel about this, and like if I want to make this a Chandler Riggs fanfic, or Austin Abrams fanfic ugh. Lol oh well we'll just see where it goes. 

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