Chapter Twenty Eight

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Time jump to the cruise bc why not

October 10

The past month Chandler, Sam and I have become really close. Austin and I rarely talk, mainly because his girlfriend, Grace, is always taking up his time, or sometimes it's acting but still. So I've had a lot of time to talk to Chandler and Sam. 

Now, The Delewater-Wavers and Riggs families, with the exception of Sam, are getting ready to get on the cruise ship. 

"It's hot for it to be October." Sam groans, fanning himself with a pamphlet he found at the information center. We're currently standing outside waiting on our families to get everything registered and checked in and everything. 

I stare off at the ocean. The ship is in view. "What if it turns out like the Titanic?" Sam asks with wide eyes. 

"I will go down with this ship." Chandler grins, trying to make a song reference or something. 

I pull out my phone and check the group chat. 

Kaylin the only ten i see: POPS BRO FIND MR MOSBY PLS


I smile at my phone and put it back in my pocket. 

Our parents walk out and I pick up my suitcase. "You kids ready?" Mrs.Riggs asks. Everyone nods. 

The 10 of us make our way towards the giant cruise ship. Karson stares at it in awe. "This looks cool."  

"I'm actually excited to get to the Bahamas." Chandler says as we all walk to the ship.

Elliot grins. "Me too." 

Nathan, Elliot's boyfriend, is flying out to the Bahamas to board the ship with us and Elliot is really excited about that. 

We had to wait in line for about an hour before we could get on the ship. There's a lot of people going on the cruise this year which worries me. No matter how many times everyone tried reassuring me the ship wouldn't sink because it was sturdy, I still was scared. 

Once we're on, we follow Dad, Katherine, and the Riggs around to find our rooms. We all walk down a long corridor until we reach an open space with two different hallways.

"I'm so gonna get lost." I mutter.

We take the left path because that's where our rooms are, hopefully.

In one Cabin thing is Katherine, Dad, Elliot, Karson, and I and in the other cabin is Mr and Mrs. Riggs, Chandler, Grayson, and Sam.

Now we're all on our way to the top of the ship to find food. 

"I really hope the food is good. I don't think I can live off protein bars for the next week and a half." Katherine says. She brought at least two weeks worth of protein bars and shakes for her health and everything. I'm sure they sell them onboard but whatever.

We walk into a nice little resturaunt and the waitor takes us to a large booth. Sadly, I'm squished between Chandler and Sam who decided to pour the whole bottle of cologne onto themselves this morning when we left the hotel.

"Do y'all know what would be cool?" Sam asks looking at everyone. "What?" Mr. Riggs asks. "Going scuba diving or swimming with sharks or something." He grins.

Even more of a reason to be afraid to be on the ship. We could be attacked by a shark or run over a dolphin or something, or a giant whale could come out of nowhere and sink us like In The Heart Of The Sea. Though, I'm pretty sure the ship has radars for that but still.

1000 Miles - Chandler Riggs // Austin AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now