Chapter Three

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We exchanged numbers and everything with the others, and were waiting in line now to ride Dare Devil falls. Even though we have fast passes, we still have to wait, because of the other people. 

While we were waiting, a few fans came up and had me take a picture of them with the cast. This happened a couple of times, but we didnt mind. It was cool. 

Finally it was our turn to get on one of the logs. We put our bags and phones and everything into one of the cubby things and get in the log cart thing. In the front is Nat and Kaylin, behind them is Justice and Cara, then Austin and I and behind us is Elliot and Halston. "This looks terrifying." I say to no one in particular. I keep my hands on the bar restraint thing. I hate water rides but then I love them. It's a complicated relationship.

There's so many turns. As soon as we get to the lift, I facepalm. "What?" Austin asks. "I'm wearing a white shirt." I mumble, bringing my hands up to button up my flannel. Austin laughs. "That's smart." I nod. "I know." 

The lift is really slow. It takes at least a minute before we get to the top. "THAT LOOKS SAFE." I hear Nat yell. He's pointing at the saw blade thing. Here comes the one thing I was dreading. The drop. I hang on tight to the bar in front of me and scream. Soon, I'm greeted with the cold water. 

When the ride's over, I'm freezing. We collect our things and exit the ride. Austin's hair is a mess, causing me to laugh. 

Next we go to the Mountain Slidewinder thing, and wait for about 15 minutes. Since it's only 5 seats and there's 8 of us, Kaylin, Nat, and Justice choose to sit with random strangers. 

In the front is me, then Austin, Cara, Halston, and Elliot. "Just know, you all suck for making me be in the front." I yell back to everyone. Austin sticks his tongue out at me and I hang on to the handles. 

Throughout the whole ride we were screaming and laughing. I was mainly screaming about how awkward it was being in between Austin's legs and everything but whatever. 

Once we're back on the ground, a familiar voice hollers out to us. "KAYLEE!" The demon spawn of a 14 year old yells. Kaylin groans, and then turns around, putting a fake smile on. "Lexi!" She says back, not as excited though. Kaylin's parents and Aunt and Uncle and 10 year old cousin trail behind her.

As soon as Lexi notices who we're standing with she lets out a squeal causing me to cringe. Well, there goes any chances at staying friends with them. "You're Nat Wolff and Cara Delevingne!" They both smile. "Kaylin, is this your sister?" Nat asks. Kaylin pretends to barf. "I'm so offended. Ow my poor achey breaky heart." Lexi laughs. "No. We're cousins. Obviously I got the good genes though." She winks. Oh God. Your 14 go away you shrimp. 

Kaylin turns and bangs her head into a pole. "Lexi honey, come on. Don't bother them, they're having fun." Kaylin's aunt says grabbing her daughter's hand. Lexi pouts but nods. She tells us bye and they run off. Before they do though, Kaylin's parents tells us to meet them before the Park closes at the entrance and everything and we nod.

"I love how they were totally fine with you guys hanging out with us." Cara says. I shrug. "They're the laid back kind of parents I guess." Kaylin's still banging her head onto the pole. "Are they gone yet." She grumbles and Nat places a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah. But to be honest, you got the good genes." I can barely hear him whisper. I place my hand over my mouth to try and hide my laugh. It didn't go too well. 

Kaylin turns around while trying to cover her now red cheeks. Nat grins and looks at the map. "Do you guys want to go to the fair part now?" He asks, pointing to it. Everyone agrees and we start walking that way. 

"Your cousin seems nice." Austin says causing Elliot, Kaylin, and I to choke on air. "Trust us. She's a demon. She's 14 and tries to act like she's cooler than us just because she has a boyfriend and her first kiss and stuff." Kaylin mumbles the last part. Everyone notices she did it, but doesn't say anything. 

"Before we go on anything, do you guys want to get anything to eat?" Cara asks rubbing her stomach. "I'm starving." 

We all head into the Grandstand Cafe and sit down at a booth. I get a thing of Chilli Cheese fries and a coke and everyone else gets their own orders. 

"This is really good." Nat moans, taking a bite of his salad. He continues to make strange noises until Cara smacks him. "Gross. We're trying to eat here." She says motioning to her plate of food. He only grins. 

Austin reaches over and steals one of my fries as does everyone else. Except Kaylin who takes 3. "Oh yeah. Thanks guys." I say jokingly, shoving a frie into my mouth. "You know, I could have had a disease, and now y'all are all infected." That doesn't stop them though. "Poppy dear, you're too precious to have any diseases like that." Elliot grins.

Once everyone is finished we throw our trash away, pay out, and look around to find the next ride we want to ride. "What ride do you guys reccomend?" Halston asks, looking at the three of us. "Well we've really only rode the high swings, dizzy disk, and the tea cups, so I guess one of those." Elliot says, shrugging.

We go to get in line for the dizzy disk. When it's our turn, I sit in between Elliot and Kaylin. The back thing slams into my back causing me to groan. 

Soon it starts moving, and we're spinning and going from side to side. I can't stop laughing, I don't know why, but I can't.

After we ride almost all the rides, and Firechaser Express like 10 times, it's 6:40, which means we're leaving back to the cabin soon. 

The eight of us stand around the entrance while waiting for Kaylin's parents. "Hey, thanks for letting us hang out with you today. That was pretty cool." I tell them and they smile. "No thank you. Today was fun. We all should hang out again. Tomorrow we're going to the water park, do you guys want to go with us? We could pick you up if your parents don't want to drive." Nat says. The three of us look at each other and then smile. "Yeah, sure. We'd love to." Kaylin answers. "Cool." 

Kaylin's parents walk up to us and smile at the other five. "You kids ready to go?" Her mom asks. "Yeah." Kaylin nods. 

We wave as they walk to their car. I didn't want today to end. But we're hanging out again tomorrow, so I mean, that's pretty cool. 

I hop in the middle between Elliot and Kaylin and lay my head back on the head rest thing. "Did you guys have fun?" Kaylin's dad asks. "The most fun I've ever had." I mumble. "Lucky. Lexi got sick and threw up, so we spent half our time in medical. Anyways, who was those kids you were hanging out with?" Kaylin's mom asks. 

"Oh, uh. That was Cara Delevingne, Nat Wolff, Austin Abrams, Halston Sage, and Justice Smith." Kaylin says awkwardly. "Ooh the actors?" Kaylin nods. "Yup. Oh and they want to hang out at the waterpark tomorrow, is that okay? They can pick us up." Kaylin says. Her parents look at each other and nod. "Fine. If you need us though, remember to call and everything." 

I smile to myself. Some story to tell when we go back to school. 


[A/N: Short chapter I know, sorry. But I'm trying to make them as long as possible and stuff, but whatever.]

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