Chapter Thirty Nine

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Time jump to a day later bc ugh

October 22

Chandler grabs my hand with his free one as we exit the ship. My suitcase is dragging behind me causing me to almost trip but luckily I don't. Yesterday was our last day on the ship and we all went on the North Star thing again and bumper cars and went to the arcade. It was pretty fun. 

Now all of us are on our way to our hotels. Tomorrow we're spending the day at Disneyland then the next few days we're gonna spend there, then everyone is going off to do whatever it is they were doing before the cruise and there's no telling when we'll see everyone again. 

"So there hotel is how far from here?" Kaylin asks, looking around. I've really missed actual land of the United States. I missed it so much I didn't realize. 

"It's near Disney." Katherine tells her. 

Once again we had to rent two vans and as much as I hate to admit it, I miss the smell of Katherine's SUV.

At the hotel, the room arrangements are Kaylin, Cara, Me, and Halston. In another, Sam, Chandler, Karson, Grayson. Dad, Katherine, Gina, and William. The other one is Nat, Justice, Elliot, and Nathan. Grace and Austin got their own rooms of course.

"I love how we're going to a theme park like thing, and we all met at a theme park. It's really cool." Halston grins. 

"I'm just glad I get to miss school for a few days to do it." I smile. Which is true. We only get like two weeks for fall break and I'm cutting into the week we go back into school to go to Disneyland with everyone. 

"Do y'all know what sucks though?" Kaylin asks, flopping down on a bed. "There's only two beds and no couch." 

Then we all sort out who's sleeping where. Kaylin and I in one bed and Cara and Halston on the other. It's sad because Kaylin sleep talks and kicks in her sleep. 

"Hey Poppy." Cara starts I look over at her. "You do that YouTube video thing right?" She asks and I nod. A grin spreads across her face. "Well, let's film a video."

Kaylin jumps up from the bed. "Yes! Halston, you in?" Halston nods. "Of course." 

Kaylin sets up the camera and tripod and we all squish on a bed. "Wait, what are we filming?" I ask, realizing we don't have anything planned. Kaylin pulls out her phone and searches something. 

"We could do would you rather." Kaylin suggests. Everyone agrees. Kaylin runs up and presses 'record' on the camera and we all look into it. 

"Hey everyone." I wave into the camera. "So today I'm here with Cara, Halston, and Kaylin and we're going to be doing would you rather." I grin. The three girls around me cheer. 

"Alright so I found some random questions on the internet." Kaylin says staring down at her phone. "Ooh this one's great." Kaylin looks over at Halston who's on the opposite side of me. "Hals, you're going first. Okay so would you rather get a rash from a poor bikini wax job or have an entire eyebrow accidentally waxed off?" Halston laughs. 

"Probably the eyebrow because you can just draw it back on, duh." All of our answers was the eyebrow thing.

"Alright, next one, would you rather start your period on a date, or at the beach?" 

"But what if your date was at the beach and you started?" Cara says. Kaylin stares at her phone for a moment and then looks up at the camera, eventually throwing her phone behind her. 

"Okay next question..."

We do a bunch more would you rather questions until we're called that it's time to go eat. We stop filming and Kaylin takes my camera. She's the one who edits my videos. 

1000 Miles - Chandler Riggs // Austin AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now