Chapter Forty Six

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December 28

I drag my suitcase behind me. The past 5 hours I've been stuck between Karson and Elliott on a plane. Now we're on our way to our rental cars that Dad and Mr. Riggs rented. Apparently we're staying in the Walt Disney Hotel thing.

 It's been 3 days since Christmas, Kaylin, or anyone like that hasn't called and I'm a little upset about it but they're all pretty busy. I know that Kaylin's family moved out of Knoxville so Kaylin can continue acting and everything, I'm just not sure where.

As soon as we step out of the airport I search through my bag to find my sunglasses. When I find them I slip them on my face. I didn't expect it to be this bright. 

At the hotel, I stick close to everyone as we try and find our room. It's so large here. 

It took about 10 minutes to get on the elevator and find our rooms. 

Dad searches through the cabinets with a sigh. "There's no food. We should go to Walmart and get some." He says. Katherine nods. Woo California Adventure to Walmart.

"Do you kids want to go too?" He asks looking at Elliot, Karson and I. Grayson and Chandler were in their hotel room unpacking. 

"YES!" Karson jumps up. Dad nods and Katherine grabs her purse. Then the five of us leave our hotel and tell the Rigg's where we're going incase they need us. 

"This place is so weird." Karson says as we enter the elevator. There's like an 8 year old in here with her older sibling or something and she giggles. She kind of reminds me of Lexi. I'm pretty sure Lexi and Karson broke up though. Something about 'being too young for long distance relationships'. 

"I wonder if we'll see Walt Disney's ghost." Elliot says. I laugh. "I read online, y'all remember how the Tower of Terror broke down with us on it?" My brothers nod. "Yeah, I read online that anytime the ride breaks down that it's Walt Disney. Pretty spooky stuff." 

Elliot fake sighs. "That was a petrifying time." 

The elevator dings open and we pile out of it. We follow Katherine and Dad to the car, careful not to get lost since the elevator doesn't open right in the lobby. No, it opens at some hallway that you have to turn on to a million other hallways to get to the lobby. Okay I may have exaggerated that a bit but still.

The car ride to Walmart involved taking 5 different wrong turns and having to do a U-Turn twice. But we made it so it's okay.

"You three can go look around if you want, we'll be a while." Katherine tells us and we nod. 

 "I'm gonna go see if they got any Lacrosse stuff." Elliot says I nod. "Ooh I'm coming too." Karson says. "Wanna come too Pops?" Elliot asks and I shake my head. "No thanks, I'm gonna go look at other stuff. Sports aren't my thing yano." they nod and take off the opposite direction. 

Super California Walmart Adventure woo.

I'm a little scared actually. Back home, I'd still get lost in Walmart even though I'd been there so many times.

I don't even know what I want to look at to be honest. I wonder if I can find a famous person. Like Austin Butler or something. He lives here right?

I walk along the area between the clothing and the cash registers. I continue walking down this way until I come across the clearance aisle. Woo cheap stuff with semi decent quality. 

I turn down this aisle and see it's mostly stuff that isn't interesting, at least until I come across something. A Wubble Bubble ball. Karson and I have been wanting one of these since we saw Bunny Meyers (Grav3yardgirl) do a video on them. Except every time we've went out it totally slipped our minds or they were too expensive.

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