Tornado Warning?!?!?! - Update

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Okay, so far no Tornado's yet. But yesterday night, it almost happened. it was pouring rain like crazy on and off, and it was Windy as fudge. and i kept hearing Bangs and such, and the Hail was insane. and i felt mini Earthquakes, i couldn't sleep at all because i got kind of scared. it felt like the end of the world.

I looked outside of my window, and i saw a Tornado Forming right in front of my window. I was a bit shocked, and the wind from it was crazy and kept hitting our Apartments. But then half way of it forming, It stopped and went away. but the wind and everything was still crazy. That was a really close call. Because we have no Basement like things to go into, so we would of been Screwed.

So we're okay, No official Tornado's yet. Not yet, at least.

That was really close though. O-O

Thanks for all of the support, Love you all. <3

~ Leo

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