A\N - YouTube

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Hey y'all, So i don't know if you all know this. But, i have a YouTube. it's a gaming YT.

It's not the best, but it will get better in the future. better everything, in the future when i get better equipment that i need for this stuff and everything. it'll take time, but it'll happen im sure. I also need to learn, how to edit my video's. Lol. of course, i started it like in 2015. :P

Anyways, i was wondering if y'all would like to know my YT? you'll get to hear my voice, at least. I have the weirdest voice, i swear. My voice is like mixed between, a bit deep yet light and soothing. because i'm a Tomboy, who loves games and fashion. xD

so yeah, if you guys and galls want to know my YT comment down below. and ill Link it, in another Author's Note. ^-^

Thanks for all of the support, it really means a lot. ^-^

Love you all, to infinity and beyond! <3 :3

~ Leo 

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