The Collector - Urban Legend #2

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The Collentor urban legend is really a catch-all legent for creepy hermetic neighbors that may be doing sometihng horrifying inside their dungeon-like basements. The most common "Collector" legend is the neighbor who collects human bodt parts and proudly displays them in mason jars.

In Russia, the Collector urban legend has a bright future because it played out in real life. It's new mascot is locl Russian historian Anatoly Moskvin, who stole corpses from cemeteries in dozens of towns east of Moscow. According to police, he dug up at least 29 corpses and made dolls our of them-life-sized faceless female dolls with platnum blonde wigs.

You're neighbor may be up to no good, but it's likely not as creepy as Russia's notorious historian-turned-body-part-collector.

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