A\N - Sorry ;-;

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I just wanted to say that i am Sorry, for my attitude this week. It's mainly just the period, I'm moody and more sensitive than i usually am. I'm usually not this mean, i swear. And if i am actually this mean, it's usually for a reason. But meh.

I will still update, But i'm gonna take a little break. Because now i'm having bad cramps, but i'll try updating later on. ;-;

Can y'all forgive me? Today is just a moody day. ;-;


Sometimes i wish i was a guy, Guys have it so easy and they have no idea. Us girls have it harder, We give painful child Birth, have periods, it hurts if you hit us in the chest, it actually even hurts if you hit us hard enough in the crotch because that's a BIG bone. meanwhile the main pain that guys have is, if you hit them in the crotch...... Guys.... i will trade you. sure you can have Stomach ache's, but meh. yes, you can have conditions to. but that's what i deal with everyday of my life.

Sorry if i'm getting offensive, it's only the truth. I can't lie, i was raised to always tell the honest truth.

okay I'm gonna go take some medicine, because these cramps are just killing me. Omfg.

So yeah, i apologies for my behavior. It just seems like the reason why y'all think im a "good" Author, is because of this scary stories book. Is that true?

So you guys think im a good author, just because of this book? Or am i a good author in my other books too?

You all can be honest, it's okay. It's just you're opinions. I just want to know, what y'all really think of me. It's okay. I accept all opinions. <3


Thanks for all of the supper

Love you all <3

~ Leo

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