A\N - Getting checked out by a guy?! O_o

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Okay so i forgot to mention something that happened, at the Mall a few days ago.

I was wearing My Black Jumpsuit, That had like flowers. it was very Floral, And it was actually really Cute. It was one of those 2 Piece jumpsuits, with a crop top and skirt like short shorts. The thing about my jumpsuit is that, It shows my back. so yeah. I was also wearing Striped stockings, and White-ish Grey Thick high heeled Boots. Which by the way, Very adorable. Omfg. Living for it, kind of adorable. And of course i had my colorful, little Deathhawk but mostly undercut hair. See i know fashion, ^-^

Anyways, Mum and i where just walking around looking at different little stores in the Mall. This guy that looked around 20's, Looked at me a lot of times. up and down. and i didn't even notice it, i was too distracted. My mum saw though.

"That guy just checked you out." My Mum pointed out.

"Wait what?" I was confused.

"He checked you out bro." She repeated. She can say bro, because she's cool like that. ;3

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." She chuckled.

I just laughed, I thought that was funny. She laughed as well. It was really funny, to be honest. xD

AND I KNOW, I have got to start writing more scary stories. i know. and i promise i will, I've just been really bored for the past few days. And i need more people to talk to, so yeah. I will write more scary stories, I PROMISE. Y'all just have to give meh some time, they'll come very soon. ^w^ <3


It was hilarious, just saying. xD

Thanks for all of the support, it really means a lot. ^-^

Love you all, to infinity and beyond! <3 :3

~ Leo

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