A\N - Me in a Dress + Baby Owl

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Hey guys and galls, I thought it would be fun to show y'all a dress that i actually like. Mum and i where looking for Prom Dresses for me, because Prom is getting closer every day. And i usually don't like wearing dresses. but i found this one, that i actually really like. And we might get this one, because it's really cute.

 And we might get this one, because it's really cute

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I feel like i'm from Hawaii, when i wear this. xD

How is it on me? I'm just curious. Remember, Honesty please. ^-^

And if y'all are wondering why, i have that Black thing on my wrist. I always have it, because lets just say.... back when i was 15, I was in a bad Horse Accident. The Horse slipped, and Crushed me. i couldn't Breathe, what so ever. The saddle horn, Hit me hard on my Ribs. and my Wrist popped out of place, but then it popped back in. So yeah, that's why i have it. because my wrist, will start to hurt like every other week, and it sucks. it's painful. But everyone called me Brave that day, because after my friends got the riding teacher. The riding teacher helped me, And i got right back onto the horse. because i don't wanna be afraid of Horses, because Horses are my life. you know. so yeah. I was in so much pain, almost like Agony.

P.S: I cropped my face out of the picture, because i was having a really bad smiling day. xDDDDD RIP

To brighten things up -

Here's a baby owl, that mum and i saw at sea world like 2 months ago

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Here's a baby owl, that mum and i saw at sea world like 2 months ago. and yes, it's real. it was looking at us and everything, it looked so tired. i wanted to cuddle it, so bad. but i couldn't because, it wasn't ours. Lol.



So yeah, pretty much. :P

Thanks for all of the support, it really means a lot. ^-^

Love you all, to infinity and beyond! <3 :3

~ Leo

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