My Crazy Ghost Experience - My Baby Blanket (True Story)

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Okay guys and galls, This is gonna be a true story that i just experienced like 20 minutes ago. Here it is:

I was sleeping with my Baby blanket, and some other blankets. Don't judge me, my grandma said she found it somewhere and gave it to me. so i thought it would make my family happy, if i slept with it again. anyways, i've noticed creepy things have been happening in my room ever since i have been sleeping with my baby blanket..... Like, i hearing something scratching the walls, in my closet. i hear footsteps under my bunk bed and something knocking on my mirror.

Note: I have a Bunk Bed, with a Bed on top and a Desk with a spinny chair on the bottom. And it costed my grandparents, 2 Grand. And it has Mahogany wood, if i remember. it's pretty, and really comfortable.

I just ignored those creepy noises, for a week, Because i was raised to not really believe in ghosts. I kind of believe, i always have some sort of paranormal experiences, every once and a while. I've told my mother about those experiences when my baby blanket, and that it might have some creepy History to it. it has one of those creepy olden times, Vibe to it. And all my mum does, is laugh and say, "Leo, It's not real. you have Schizophrenia, remember". YES i do have Schizophrenia...... But i know what i hear, and i know what i see. My Friends have seen the things i see, Explain THAT Mum!

Note: if y'all want me to start writing my paranormal experiences, just comment below and i will. If so, then should i write it in this book or make another book for it?

Anyways, I went to sleep with it again. Because i thought, maybe she's right, maybe my Schizophrenia is getting the better of me..... I fell asleep, and had a horrible nightmare. it was too real. i have never moved around like that, in my bed. i kept breathing weirdly, and mumbling in my sleep. i woke up, with the biggest Gasp like i was drowning. i almost Screamed. I through my baby blanket off of me, because i have never had a nightmare that bad before until i started sleeping with my baby blanket. and i quickly got off of my bunk bed.

I saw under my bunk bed, My Spinny chair was facing me. it's usually facing my desk, not me. And it was moving side to side, by itself. and i saw a creepy little girl like corpse, sitting in my chair. i didn't want to move, i didn't want to take my eyes off of her. just in case, something happens. I remembered that i had my Ipod touch on me, because i always sleep to my music. and it was at the last juice, of battery left. so i used it, and i shined it on my chair..... and the corpse of that little girl, disappeared. and all i saw, was my jackets and my skinny jeans on my chair. But the chair still slowly moved side to side. I then heard slight, faded Giggling around my room.

I struggled turning on my light, because i have never been that scared in my life. I've been really scared, but not THAT scared. So once my light was on, and i turned back around. i sighed in relief, i thought something was gonna pop up behind me. I then saw that my posters, where Blinking at me. They where illegitimately blinking at me. I even saw one, that wasn't looking at me. i was staring at it, because i got curious.  And suddenly, The posters eyes shifted towards me. So it was now, looking at me. And i shivered, because i was scared out of my mind.

I headed for my door, and once i opened my door. The same Corpse little girl like thing, that was in my chair. was right outside my room, and she jumped out at me with a raspy scream. I still didn't scream, i just let out a squeak and a mumble and i fell backwards onto the ground. i almost cried. legit.

I then got up, closed my door. and turned on the living room light, until i finished doing what i was doing. and now at the moment, im in the dark, with the TV on writing my experience with this in my scary stories book. I've never been this scared before, in my life. I've been hearing footsteps, around me and no one is there. just oh my goodness. I'm still hearing things, and such.

Note: also the creepy part, or one of the creepy parts is... The fact that that same creepy little girl corpse, was in my nightmare, my dream. but she wasn't a corpse in my dream.... she was like alive in my dream, and a corpse outside my dream... it was Creepy as fudge..... O-O

So yeah, That was my paranormal experience for tonight. Of course i've had others, But tonight was pretty messed up. This is True what just happened, And i'm still pretty freaked out. ;-;

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy one of my paranormal experiences.

Thanks for all of the support Cubs, It really means a lot. <3

~ Leo

Update:  Also i told my mum about how strange my baby blanket is, and that it might have some creepy history to it. but she just laughed, she didn't believe me. because she doesn't believe in ghosts, so she doesn't believe me. She just thinks it's all just my Schizophrenia, sure i have that, but what i experienced tonight was way more than just Schizophrenia. that was way too real and scary. That was messed up. Totally not sleeping with my baby blanket anymore, im gonna put it somewhere i can't see it. NOT in my room. because, i don't know if i can handle anymore paranormal activity like THAT. That was horrifying. ;-;

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