My Paranormal Experiences - Meowing & Scratches

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I couldn't sleep at all, last night. So earlier, in the morning, i decided to take a little nap because i was so tired. So when mum left, to go to her weight watchers meeting and then to the store. I was watching YT just for a little bit, and then i put everything away and then headed to bed. My cat was asleep, and i just kept the TV in the living room on, just for my cat. because he likes cartoons, Lol.

As i was about done putting things away, I heard "Meow" in the hallway. i looked at Midnight, my cat. and asked, "Midnight, did you just Meow?". He just kept sleeping. i mean, he meows in his sleep, when he's dreaming. But, not that kind of Meow. and also, Midnight is the only cat, in this house. I looked everywhere, and no other Cat was here.

"MEOW!" I heard it again, As it sounded like a very agitated Meow. It was NOT Midnight, It came from the hallway, which is near my Room. So i tried to just ignore it, like i always do. I then went into my room, and shut the door. As i then, Heard something scratching inside my closet again. It sounded like a Dog clawing at the door of the closet, like he really needed to go to the bathroom and wanted to go outside. or something. I checked my closet.... Nothing was there, and the scratching stopped. I kind of got a bit Scared, and i was about to lose it. I was literally about to Scream "STOP!" at it, because i was scared and annoyed. All i wanted to do, was just go to sleep.

So i decided to turn up my music extra loud, and then i fell asleep.

And then hours later, Mum woke me up by bringing midnight into my room and putting him onto my bunk bed with me. xD He's such a soft Kitty, and a cute one as well. ^-^


So yeah, Pretty much. That was pretty creepy, I'll admit. But i just try to ignore it, because i don't like scary things. xD

Thanks for all of the support, it really means a lot. ^-^

Love you all, to infinity and beyond! <3

~ Leo

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