Alone In The Forest (True Story)

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"Me And My Cousin Were Alone In The Forest, Alone, It Was Getting Dark So My Brother Got Scared And Left,So I Climbed A Tree, And I Felt Something Wet Go Down My Hand, I Looked Down And Saw A Red Substance On My HandI Git Scared And Looked Up To See Markings On The Tree That Said Something, But Before I read It I Fell OffMy Cousin Laughed, And I Played It Cool. Then I Heard Music, Like The Kind Of Creepy Voilin Music The Play In A Haunted Place In Movies, I Was ScaredI Asked Him If He Heard It. And He Said No.So I Convinced Him To Go Back Home.He Lived Near The Forest So We Had To Cross A Field To Get Back To His House,As We Were Walking I Heard Something Snap Behind Me....I Immediatly Ran, And My Cousin Heard It Too Sk He Ran As Soon As I Did.We Ran And Didn't Look Back And When We Got To The End Of The Field I Turned Back To See A Black Figure With His Hand Out As If He Was Waving At Me.......My Cousin, Saw It Also...We Told Everyone Else, And No One Believed Us." Cloudydoesfanfic


Credit goes to @Cloudydoesfanfic On this one, Thanks for the story, quite creepy. ^-^ <3

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