Scary Stories

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Scary Story 1: KeyHole.

a man went into a Hotel, and stayed there for a Week. the desk lady gave him his room Key, before he walked off to his room she warned him.

"Beware of the door with no number, it's locked.... and never, ever Look threw the KeyHole" she confronted Him.

he just nodded, and went to his room. he saw the Room with no number right next to his Room. he entered his room and set everything down, as he made his bed and put everything away. he was going to go to Bed because he had a Meeting in the morning, but he was so curious so he exited his Room and went next door... to the no numbered Room. I matter of Seconds he was in front of the Door, with no number.

he went to his knees, and looked threw the keyHole. all he saw was a perfectly made pure white Bed, and a television that looked brand new, yet kind of old. he then looked more around, and saw this Tall Woman. the tall woman's skin was Bleached White, pure white. she had her back facing the door and her head against the Wall, as if she were Ashamed of herself. The Man shook his head from the brightness, and decided to head off to Bed.

The next morning, the man decided to look threw the KeyHole again, and see if she was still there. right once he looked threw that little KeyHole, all he could see was a Bloody Red color. he assumed that she new he was Spying on her, and covered the KeyHole with some Red Paper. he then went to the desk lady, and asked ner about the no numbered Room.

she sighed, "you looked threw the KeyHole didn't you?" she wondered.

"yes" he nodded.

"well, I might as well tell you the story, then...... there used to be a Man who lived here, he murdered his Wife in that same Room. the whole Family had Natural Bleached White Skin, and had no color..... but only Bloody Red Eyes...." she explained.

the Man's eyes then went huge, he then new exactly what he was staring at...... for all he new.... it wasn't a Bloody Red Colored Paper.... it was far more than that......

P.S: there will be more. can you guys guess what he was staring at? creepy, huh? hahah!

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