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Dear Diary,

Today I'd like to write in my diary as I haven't done this in a while as school has been getting in the way. I've been given a lot of History homework recently which I don't mind as it is my favourite subject. I like it because it teaches me to learn from different types of rulers mistakes and how to avoid them so I could maybe one day rule the whole of the galaxy successfully unlike them. I also enjoy lessons such as Geography as it's handy to know where all the places in the galaxy are so I know which is the most vulnerable and easiest to conqueror when I have the chance to do it... My second favourite though is Music as it is an excuse to play My Chemical Romance as much as I want.

The lessons I hate the most are P.E and I.T. I hate P.E because I just cannot be bothered to run around a field numerous times and I hate making my hair all greasy from sweating too much. I hate I.T because computers stress me out so I end up either breaking it or just smashing them.

Another reason why I am late to write in my diary is that my I.T teacher gave me a detention for breaking the computers. It's not my fault that I let my anger get the best of me. At least I didn't push anyone down the stairs like I did last time I got angry...

I hate school mostly because all the kids there make fun of me for what I wear and I constantly get bullied for being myself. They think it's weird that I wear black everyday so they call me names such as 'emo scum' or 'grumpy goth' and it gets on my nerves. It gets on my nerves so much that I'm the one that beats them up, even though it's meant to be the opposite of that, which is another reason why I got a detention. Basically, that means that they get away with bullying me but I get the blame for sticking up for myself.

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