Piece By Piece

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The Rowen girl that Andy brought over looked and felt so familiar it was scary. It was almost like I had been staring at Riley, but I knew that was nearly impossible. Its been five years and she probably over dosed on pills or cocaine and died. Leaving us here searching for the ghost of a dead girl. James, Sam, and Cameron still all blame me for her leaving and not coning back. I was the last person to see her alive and god only knows what she's done. It hurts, and I regret ever treating her that way because she was young and really just needed a kind word and some guidance but I tried like hell to fuck her over. And in the end, I pushed her off the deep end. There's a picture of Riley and us when we first started the band hanging in the front lounge and I just can't stand seeing how innocent she was and knowing how messed up she was the last time I saw her.

After we met Rowen, Ashley invited us to a party on their bus, meaning I could see Rowen again and try to figure out why she's so familiar. Her short blonde hair and tattoos stood out as I saw her take a bottle of whiskey and close the door in the back. Cameron walked past me and into the back with her, "Great, Cams going after her now. There go my chances." I shrug my shoulders and grab another beer, fuck it. I'm getting drunk tonight. Its all or nothing. I kept the flow if booze steady through the night and eventually passed out.

My head was pounding and I couldn't do anything but lay here on this floor, when I overheard Cameron and Sam talking. "Last night I went in the back and talked to that Rowen girl and I'd swear to you that she's Riley. Just with short blonde hair and tattoos." Nothing more was said for a few minutes and then Sam finally said something, "If that's really Riley, why is Andy and his guys hiding her from us and James and why did she wait so long to show up again?"

I was confused and a little relieved, this could mean that Riley is alive and I'd guess she's okay seeing as how she's with Andy and I know he'd take good care of her. It made me happy, but then my mind flashes back to her note, "do not come to me and try to apologize for what you put me through." I need to know if she's the real deal and if so, how do I get her to accept me for what I am now.

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