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You gazed down at the paper pamphlet with slight disinterest. It was rather simple compared to all of the other ones that your mother had brought home before hand, although it appeared as if those ones were mere reminders of the fact that she would keep her word if her only son - your twin brother - decided to act out again. Her voice was clear and crisp like a new spring season after a long winter.

"Mess up one more time young man and you'll be shipped off to a Military School."

It was strange honestly though that she followed up on this particular threat though; your mother has always been a woman with more bark than bite when talking among family members. She completely changed when dealing with other people. He paced along the laminate wood floors of your bedroom with his tale of how he was caught this time from his latest twist.

"I mean yeah I saw her boobs, but it was a harmless prank, I swear!" He groaned loudly taking a fist full of dark auburn hair in annoyance. Whether it was because of the fact that he had been caught or that your mother was actually being honest about sending him to this military academy.

Your eyes looked up in wonder of how could be acting like a child. The two of you were Seniors this fall and here he was acting like he was some middle school puss. "I don't understand why you tried the Illusion trick knowing that you have such a hard time focusing." You mumbled while fingering the flimsy pages of the pamphlet.

It wasn't rare but it wasn't common enough but the Planet is home to many humans who carry remarkable abilities, some that have power over the elements, communications with animals or devices, but then there was the two of you. The two of you called it Mimicry, the ability to become whomever you desired to. The fact that you could easily become the most popular jock in school or become the shiest girl known to man was something that you considered to be scary, hence the reason why your mother hated when Denzel would act out.

Something about causing a scene and people realizing that the two of you weren't quite normal.

And the fact that Denzel got caught seeing the breasts of Theresa Golden - Cheerleader Captain - wasn't a good thing with the idea of keeping what you two could do a secret. At least they bought Denzel's cheap lie of thinking he thought to have walked into the Men's Locker room but on the other hand - your mother wasn't stupid.

You swiveled in the office chair to turn back to the computer screen, it was top of the line, the kind where there was no monitor but only a projection coming out of a slim tube on the wooden desk. Traverse Town Military Academy was typed into the search bar and the results that came up were interesting.

You hummed softly while your [colour] eyes skim every line, picking up keywords that formed into sentences. Denzel hung off the left arm of the office chair, eyes the size of mom's good Cocoon Dinner Plates. "It's actually one of Shin Ra's Military Branches. Surprised that the country allowed them to install one actually." You licked your lips well aware of the reasoning why the country had been stalling it for so long.

Denzel sunk down against the corner office desk while heaving a heavy sigh with doom and gloom across his face. "Seriously, Mom's sending me to a Shin Ra military branch? Thought she hated 'em." His dark sapphire eyes looked up with a hope of maybe she was joking about it; she really did hate the Gaia Continent's main military stronghold.

With a slight smirk on your face as you continued to read, you remarked about the entire ordeal. "You're not gonna survive this what so ever. They're basic training is enough to make you wet your bed." It was something that interested you more than it interested Denzel - the ability to be more than a simple person. The Daybreak continent wasn't strongly militarized but for what type of military was shared between the Seven individual countries could easily rival Gaia's if it came out to another Planet War.

"Why don't you go."

You paused as your index finger paused over the pulsing search button as you were going to look further in the development of the Academy. You peered over the edge of the chair to look at the disheveled teenager who had all seriousness in his eyes. It was strange and sometimes awkward whenever Denzel tried to act all serious. "Repeat that again." You seethed a tad bit, he was a lunatic - crazy yeah that had to be it.

"I'm serious [Name], go as me! You've done it so many times before when I couldn't take my Regional Exams!" The auburn haired teenager jumped up as if life had been refuelled in his once loomy heart. "You can easily hold a different image better than I could."

You leered at your brother with a newfound sense of annoyance and grumpiness. He was always asking you to help him and to bail him out, and as a good sister that's what you would always do - bail him out. "Denzel I won'--"

His voice was crystal clear with his cut off response. "You want to do what Dad did, don't you?" It struck a cord in the two of you despite the fact that he wouldn't admit it. He watched as you swallowed your words and became stiff with silence. It was hard being able to talk about him, even after eight years it was difficult.

His eyes were trying to find the light that was almost snuffed out of your eyes when the simple mention of Dad came up. "You can change their minds you know? Just pretend to be me and after a while be you! It would prove them that women can be in the military."

The Peace Continent was strange about one law, no women can hold a Status in the Military in any of the Countries. It was something about what if a family had children and both parents perished then no one would take care of the child and they would become orphans. It was law that was passed little more than eight years ago because of the War - a lot of kids became orphans after it.

It was a dream that you always had, become a soldier just like your father. He was a great man, a hero among heroes, and you didn't think that because he was your father but because he IS a Hero out of Three of the Four Continents. Slowly the image of him being one was starting to die out and not as many people bombarded your household on the day of victory anymore. It was comforting knowing that you could celebrate the end of a war but mourn his loss.

"Go to bed, Denzel." You managed to breathe out in one breath without getting upset or ready to spill out threatening tears. It was a moment of silence before the twin got the idea and shuffled out quietly and closing the bedroom door with a click.

[Colour] eyes were full of annoyance and spite for the fact that he would bring that up, it hurt a lot because of the fact that you tried to have spent so much time for when he could visit or whenever that you were able to see him on a video chat when he was in a safe position. Denzel was always fussy and couldn't sit still, he understood though - your Dad about being restless. He was right though, you wanted to become a soldier just like he was.

You stood up and walked over to the double windows that had a ledge with all of sorts of different pictures. Family photo, a group picture of friends when visiting the Destiny Islands last summer, a picture of you and your ex boyfriend still sat there. He was the only other person in your life who was aware of the dream to possibly become a soldier

Warm fuzzy thoughts became clouded with anger and hate and before you even realized it the latch pushing it open and flinging that photograph over the fence and probably into the other yard, probably old man Jenkins yard again.

The idea of needing sleep came and it a very good idea..

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