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There was a large cafeteria in the lower levels of the students residential building, you nor the other girls had realized that there was one until Judet appeared balancing a tray of food. She had a hard look on her face when her eyes looked over your small group, Emma and Marluxia eventually joined again having stopped their bickering.

If it were possible, you would've made Denzel's hair grow longer in order to hide prying eyes that were curious on getting a closer look to your new facial addition. The group found themselves a home near the corner by one of the exit doors.

Cissnei and Elena were making small talk between each other, Emma was whisked away to talk with a couple of the instructors about something important. Marluxia was flagged down by a couple of people that you learned that he had grew up with, only one other person in that gathering had become SOLDIER as well.

You kept your head bowed, pushing your food around and once in a while snacking on some of the food. It was actually good, surprising for it being 'military school grub'. You remember teasing Denzel about how the food would suck.

He was probably suffering by eating his own horrid cooking right now.

"Denzel... it isn't that bad." Cissnei frowned when she realized your downcast facial expression. Her hand rested softly on top of your idle hand that was laying beside the tray.

Dull sapphire eyes glance sideways over towards Cissnei's hand, you could understand what she was trying to do. Her touch was soft, gentle and it felt full of warmth, and for some reason it made you sick.

You wanted to lash out and tell her that she had no idea what was bad and what wasn't. You had no idea what was causing these new emotions, new reactions inside of you. Instead the only thing that came to mind was to smile and it came out being a weak one. Your voice couldn't be found so all you did was begin to finally eat your food without playing with it.

"Denzel!" You cringed, realizing whose voice that was and it made you want to crawl into some type of hole and not look back at who was trying to drag you out of it. Looking up while taking your hand back you found Maur standing there, grin plastered across his face, and Ruluf was beside him appearing sheepish.

That moment was when your appetite disappeared and you got up to get rid of the extra food and to return the tray. It wasn't until you were on your way to return the tray that Maur reached out to grab your upper arm to stop you, it took a lot of willpower to stop the motion of wanting to pivot and smack him with the tray that would probably break over his head.

Shaking off his grip you turned around to face him, putting the tray back while giving him a look. The young man couldn't help but bark back a laugh while watching your new scar react to the angry look on your face.

"Didn't I tell you that you wouldn't make SOLDIER."

A growl was bubbling inside of your chest that made you slightly afraid of yourself, never had you felt the need to ever growl at someone. "Is that all you want to do, Maur, is gloat? Well Gods fucking bless you then." You snarked and moved past him and towards the stairs not returning back to Cissnei and Elena who looked on with worry.

The brisk walk down halls and up stairs to your dorm had been a fairly quick one. Your back foot met the corner of your bedroom door and with force was slammed shut, an audible sound was heard in the next dorm over that had jostled a student awake from the couch that fell asleep with a bottle of painkillers on their table.

You were cruising in your bedroom, thinking of every type of curse that you could think of and sometimes you thought you were making up a couple of new ones. "Gods damn them all." You huffed out sitting on your bed with your head in your hands.

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