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You stared at the ceiling for so long that you had forgotten when you had actually entered the training hall. It's been three weeks since everyone had been sorted and classes were sorted for those training to become part of SOLDIER and the Turks Task Force. Since that day the scar healed on your face to barely anything, but it was still prominent enough that it reminded you of everything that day and what you couldn't become.

It was angry still and slightly raised from the rest of your skin, a reddish pink. At least the threat of an infection was in the back of your mind. Of course there had been a close call but everything seemed to be all right for the time being.

It was currently a Thursday night and you had sealed yourself up in the basement level of the Academy building. Because of it being Thursday night and only SOLDIERS were forced to take classes on Friday. Meaning that the Turks were probably out in town in some of the bars if old enough or quickly made friends with older classmates.

Blinking dull sapphire eyes, reality was settled down as you pushed yourself until you were leaning on both of your forearms. You stared down at the mirror that acted as one of the walls of the training area and noticed the tones in what was once Denzel's body, changed to become leaner, more muscular. You wondered how different you looked when you were being yourself.

Sighing you laid back down against the ground and looked at the ceiling again. Three weeks ago you found out that your mother was once part of SOLDIER, just as your father had been.

The information was confusing and it angered you beyond belief that two days following the revelation, you had ignored the first phone call that your mother was reaching out to you, to Denzel.

Groaning you decided to go back to your dorm and take a shower, maybe actually go out into the town for once. Whether it being yourself or as Denzel, that was another decision. Standing up you grabbed the navy blue towel and duffle bag from the front of the room near the elevator.

Standing inside of the elevator you pressed the first floor lobby button and stood there, leaning up against the back wall, you couldn't help but groan as the elevator decided to ignore your call and went to the third floor.

The doors opened revealing a young man, he had to be younger than you at least. The curly blonde haired male looked as if he was only fifteen years old. His eyes glanced up from one of the three books that he was carrying. Wearing a white blouse and off brown pants and dress shoes.

A slender blonde brow was raised when the teen took in your appearance before stepping into the elevator. "You must be Denzel," You shot him a curious look even if it did come off more as a glare. "Ruluf and Maur have spoken about you, though it's mostly on Maur's behalf."

The silence was almost deafening as the two of you were let off on the lobby floor. Your brows were knitted together as the two of you stepped out of the elevator, almost glaring at him from the corner of your eyes. "Maur? Really now?"

The teen let out a snort before his book snapped to a close. "Some pink haired guy got into his face three weeks ago, Maur wouldn't shut up about it. Still won't." The boy snarked, obviously appearing annoyed by one of his three roommates. "There are times when I really wished that I could," The boy huffed as the two of you crossed the courtyard to the Housing building.

You couldn't help but be surprised to realize that this blonde teenager was really unhappy. "My apologies?" You murmured, opening up the door into the housing building. The boy strutted into the building without a thanks, you again glared.

"Who are you exactly?" You stood there for a minute, ignoring the desire for a hot shower and a moment to actually relax and figure out what your rigorous training was actually doing to your body.

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