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The commander of troops was unsure of what you were talking about. It wasn't a question that you were asking ―it was a demand that you were making. He could see it in your eyes as you stared at him with a steel like gaze. His eye contact began to waver. "I-I don't know, everything came from higher ups."

This isn't what you wanted to hear, no instead you wanted answers for all of this and he wasn't giving you any. Averting your gaze to the massacre around you all of the bodies lying in their own pools of blood. It reeked of death―you didn't know if it was because of your hand or their bullets.

The entire world seemed brighter and clear as if this entire time you had been living in a fog. "My father died to stop this war," You began lowering the said Hero's blade. "Why would you start it again?" It was hard not to cry.

Astounded by the show of emotion the man could feel his heart ache. "I know, your father was from Spira. You're a Spirian." The commander brought up, it was a piece of your heritage that you couldn't deny even if it meant that the rest of society would shun you just because of that tie. "You don't know how many generals and commander were demoted and killed because they wouldn't take this mission. We consider your father and the rest of your family as our own."

[Colour] eyes widened as you looked at the man taking in everything about him. "I came here to see who we were hunting... never did they say it was Auron's daughter." The mention of your father's name made you crack under all of the pressure and the tears began to spill over and down your face. They mixed with the droplets of blood and sweat as you crumbled to the floor with your father's blade in front of you.

"Why! Why, why would you start another war?!"

He couldn't give you that answer but he did kneel down in front of you. "Your father had a friend in Spira," He began pulling out a photo holding it underneath your face. It became blotched with slight red droplets. "Jecht, from what I know... he defected from the war and 'retired' in Zanarkand. Go there, you'll get your answers."

Looking up with shock and awe you couldn't believe what was happening. This man, who should be your enemy was offering help. Help for answers that you knew that no one apart of the Shin Ra program could give you.

You screamed when his blood sprayed across you, a barrage of bullets fired into his back. Falling forward onto to you, your hand found the photograph and held it tightly into a crumble. Behind him was a group of soldiers, none of them friendly to you.

All of their helmets were lit up lime green. Guns trained on you and their now deceased commander.

Their voices sounded like they were being held underwater or maybe you were the one being held underwater. You were angry, tired, depressed and fed up. You had more questions then answers and you just wanted answers and peace of mind... but mostly peace.

You held the commander's body to your own crying as his life began to slip away from underneath your fingertips. You sobbed as these people came closer to you with each step they made.

Eyes held shut you could feel power stirring deep inside of your body. The night was bleeding away by a unbelievable light that was rising out of the ground, from the sand, the blood, the decaying and burning trees.

Then the ground felt like nothing as if it was pulled from underneath your legs. Slowly opening your eyes you didn't understand what was happening.

You weren't in Port Royale anymore or what was left of the city. Instead there were streams of blues and greens, waves spiraling in and out of themselves. You floated in the space clutching onto the commander's lifeless body, summoning your father's blade into your left hand. Deciding to take the chance you envisioned ground below your feet and came to a standing position.

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